Chorus meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Chorus
As noun : अक्षणिक Ex:  a chorus of boos
अतिसर्ग Ex:  Everyone joined the chorus when the singer sang the song. अनुपद Ex:  when the measured speech of the chorus passes over into song the tones are, remotely but unmistakably, those taught by the orthodox liturgy कोरस Ex:  The chorus of crackers sounded like a megaton. उ:   कोरस समूह दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी लोहा व इस्पात निर्माण कंपनी है। कौशील Ex:  The chorus spoke as one . गाय Ex:  Arturo Toscanini conducted a chorus of 820 singers in "Va, pensiero". उ:   गाय को देवी लक्ष्मी का स्वरूप भी कहा गया है। गायक वृंद Ex:  America's oldest men's chorus of its kind. गायकवृंद Ex:  A Greek chorus danced as well as sang. गायकों का समूह Ex:  No one knows exactly what sorts of steps the chorus performed as it sang. गिरजा सहगान Ex:  In a typical performance, a chorus of singers echoes a soloist. गीत का वह भाग जिसको सब लोग मिल कर गाएं Ex:  When the chorus of critics grew too loud, Graham finally left the stage. थाइल Ex:  The production boasted an orchestra of 107, a chorus of 135 and 23 soloists . ध्रुवक Ex:  Bess and the chorus finish the act with "Leavin' for the Promise' Lan'". परमनेंट Ex:  The chorus tries praying to make Crown leave पाइंदा Ex:  Crown goes himself, and the chorus finish their prayer. पायंदा Ex:  Scene 1: Catfish Row, the next night The chorus mourns Clara and Jake . वृदंगान Ex:  The orchestra and chorus were drawn from both East and West Germany वृन्दगान Ex:  The play is divided into four acts, and no chorus is introduced. उ:   वे वृन्दगान को रहनुमाई भी करते थे। वृन्दगीत Ex:  The main chorus was sung by Difang and his wife, Igay. समवेत स्वरों में बोलना Ex:  By extension, they all replied in chorus we समूहगान गाना Ex:  Each party which is composed a song which usually include the same number of verses and a chorus ends with सह कलाकार Ex:  Form a chorus of voices and instruments सहगान Ex:  From something to talk, it all comes out is its chorus सामूहिक स्वर Ex:  He is the chorus leader of the party सूत्रधार समूह Ex:  It is also used as an interjection in the chorus of a few old songs सूत्रधार Ex:  Its chorus is money, always money उ:   सूत्रधार पूरे पूरे नाटक में अभिनय करता था। स्थायी Ex:  Repeat chorus उ:   इसीलिए स्थायी भाव मुख्य बनता है। स्थास्नु Ex:  Singing in chorus
Other : समवेत गान Ex:  A chorus of praise, says Praise of data simultaneously by several people
Chorus ki paribhasha : vah lakadi ya khnbha jo kisi bhaari vastu ko adae ya tikaaye rakhane ke liye niche ya bagal se bhidakar lagaaya jaata hai git men baar baar doharaay jaanevaala pad singavaala ek maada chaupaay jisake nar ko saaand ya bail kahate hain paaanch saat vyaktiyon ka ek saath gaan nity ya shaashvat bhaavana athava koi bhi tikaaou vastu, dradh sthiti ya dasha
Chorus synonyms
ensemble glee club choir choristers vocalists carolers chorale voices singing group melody music theme tune motif song strain burden bob response main section recurrent verse ritornelle undersong unison concert harmony accord consonance concord
Chorus antonyms
silence discord disharmony disagreement
Usage of Chorus in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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