Chronicle meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Chronicle
As noun : इतिवृत Ex:  According to the chronicle
इतिवृत्त Ex:  Another chronicle is the Képes krónika , which was written for Louis the Great. उ:   इस काल की मुख्य विद्या इतिवृत्त थी। इतिहास या वृत्तान्त Ex:  The chronicle treats the history of the early Eastern Slavic state. इतिहास लिखना Ex:  The New York Times noted that Nas "imbues his chronicle with humanity and humor दास्तान् Ex:  Amda Seyon's royal chronicle states that Sabr ad-Din proclaimed: In fact न्यूज Ex:  According to the earliest Russian chronicle उ:   यूनाइटेड न्यूज ऑफ इंडिया की स्थापना सन् १९६१ में की गई थी। बयोरो ‡ Ex:  Tigernan's chronicle says only: Malcolm II's grandson Duncan बरतंत Ex:  It also says a sort of chronicle of what happens in foreign countries sent to newspapers in the form of letters बिरत Ex:  It also says a sort of chronicle of what happens in foreign countries sent to newspapers in the form of letters लिपिबद्ध करना वाकया वार्त्ता विरतंत वृतंत वृत्तांत उ:   ऊपर लिखी सभी पुस्तकों में वृत्तांत मिलेगा। समुन्नय सरनविश्त हिस्टरी उ:   नॉटिंघम नेचुरल हिस्टरी संग्रहालय - वोलाटन हॉल में स्थापित है।
As verb : इतिहास में लिखना Ex:  Martin Scorsese's acclaimed cinematic chronicle of this show
Other : वृत्तान्त उ:   'अपोलो का रथ' यात्रा वृत्तान्त है।
Chronicle ki paribhasha : biti hui prasiddh ghatanaaon aur unase snbndh rakhanevaale purushon ka kaalakram se varnan kisi biti hui baat ya ghati hui ghatana ka vivaran
Chronicle synonyms
journal annals diary story register recital record version archives narration history prehistory recountal relate narrate tell enter set down
Chronicle antonyms
conceal hide erase secret
Usage of Chronicle in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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