Chrysalis meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Chrysalis
As noun : अर्थगृह Ex:  The butterf ly burst out of the chrysalis .
कोष Ex:  He emerged from its chrysalis उ:   कोष का लेखा भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक में रखा जाता है। कोषावस्था जखीर मखजन माँदी रोषणता विज्ञानकोश वृषणवसु सहनभंड़ार, सहनभँडार
Other : झिल्ली उ:   इस कारण यह आवश्यक है कि जैसे ही एमन्योटिक झिल्ली फटती है।
Chrysalis synonyms
evolution advancement expansion improvement increase progress unfolding maturity progression addition spreading reinforcement enlargement augmentation hike flowering boost buildup increasing maturing ongoing evolvement adulthood developing ontogenesis maturation ontogeny ripening adding to advancing augmenting elaborating evolving making progress perfecting reinforcing unraveling upgrowth upping
Chrysalis antonyms
decrease halt stoppage lessening reduction shrinkage withdrawal stagnation decline retreat retrogression
Usage of Chrysalis in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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