Circular meaning in hindi
As noun : अंतर्गडु Ex:  he mailed the circular to all subscribers
अनेक मनुष्यों को भेजा हुआ पत्र Ex:  The planets move in circular motion. अवश्थ Ex:  The students were in a state of fluster due to the new circular from the principal. आफताबी Ex:  He mailed the circular to all subscribers इश्तिहार Ex:  The modern concept of a circus as a circular arena surrounded by tiers of seats उ: इस संगठन की ओर से एक इश्तिहार और एक प्रतिज्ञा भी प्रकाशित की गयी। उआवाई Ex:  The constant is occasionally also referred to as the circular constant ऊटपटाँग Ex:  Viral genomes may be circular एक वृत्त या समाज में घूमता हुआ Ex:  An open eye is an eye which can be circular कमाचीदार Ex:  Eyewalls are typically circular कुंड़लाकार Ex:  The orbits of the planets are nearly circular but many comets गरेरुआ Ex:  A circular written in 1848 by the third Earl Grey गश्ती चिट्ठी Ex:  In a true kreisel, a perfectly circular tank has a circular, submerged lid. गश्ती चिठ्ठी Ex:  Two large circular currents गश्ती साख Ex:  The planets were initially thought to orbit the Earth in circular motions गोल Ex:  A wheel is a circular device that is capable of rotating on its axis उ: स्पैन्ड्रेल में यालिस और सजे हुए गोल होते हैं। गोलाकार Ex:  Beach basketball is played in a circular court with no backboard on the goal उ: यह मंदिर गोलाकार है। गोलाकृति Ex:  There are three circular motorways around the city गोलार्द Ex:  These giant circular halls घुमावदार Ex:  These points are called the circular points at infinity. घूमता हुआ विज्ञापन Ex:  Venus is the closest to circular चक्राकार Ex:  Because of the circular nature of the polar coordinate system चक्राकृति Ex:  As the orbit has been assumed circular टुकडी़ Ex:  They have nearly circular prograde orbits in the same orbital plane as Charon निरथु Ex:  This circular system collapsed in 1931 and the loans were never repaid. निरर्थक Ex:  The genome of HBV is made of circular DNA उ: उनका जीवन निरर्थक जान पड़ने लग गया था। परिपट्र Ex:  A circular परिपत्रक Ex:  circular piece which, by turning on an axis called axle, used to communicate the vehicle movement to a पुरपेंच Ex:  Distribute, spreading a circular, circular बेकाज Ex:  He also said, in terms of Arts or Science, Some objects, certain instruments, which generally have a circular माणव्य Ex:  He still refers by analogy Some things that are circular in shape, resembling a crown in terms of Botany, imperial crown, fritillaria Species मिरथा Ex:  In terms of Arts, he said in a circular device on which is stretched a canvas or silk cloth to perform various needlework embroidery designs मुदौवर Ex:  In terms of medicine, circular Madness, Madness lasts a while, then stops to start shortly after मोरदार Ex:  It also says a circular bulge that forms the stem or sometimes the branches of a woody plant राउंड Ex:  It is also stated in terms of Anatomy, circular openings which are primarily used for the passage of a portion वटी Ex:  It means even describe a circular motion around something विजल्पित Ex:  It means, in terms of architecture, the circular column Cast and Small strips or fillets that are Doric capitals वृत Ex:  It means, more generally, Quickly a circular motion, and in this sense he says things like people वृताकार Ex:  It said, in terms of Carousel, the circular line described by the horse, usually between two walls उ: इस नृत्य में महिलाएं वृताकार पथ पर दौड़ते हुए नृत्य करती हैं। सर्कुलर Ex:  Large circular plaza which lead many avenues or alleys उ: माडा का मुख्यालय शहर के बीचों बीच लुबी सर्कुलर रोड में स्थित है। सर्क्युलर Ex:  Make print heads circular letters, bills, etc सारशून्य Ex:  Ministerial circular
As adjective : वृत्तीय Ex:  It says specifically in terms of Railways, a form of building circular or semi-circular, in which you park locomotives on tracks arranged in a fan उ: वृत्तीय पृथ्वी भू-समकालिक कक्षाओं की परिधि है।
Other : कुंडलाकार Ex:  This was changed to the circular designs because of the square कुंडली Ex:  With a rapid circular motion उ: कुंडली बनाने वाले व्यक्ति को अपने कार्य में भी दक्ष होना चाहिए। गश्ती Ex:  Because no planet's orbit is perfectly circular चक्रिल Ex:  Begin with an infinite circular cylinder standing vertically चक्रीय Ex:  Slice across it high and low to produce two circular boundaries उ: नगर में एक अलग चक्रीय रेल लाइन है, जो पूर्वी रेलवे द्वारा संचालित है। परिपत्र Ex:  Character of which is round, which is of spherical, cylindrical or circular उ: यह यूरोप में गिने-चुने परिपत्र महलों में से है। मंडलाकार Ex:  He sent a circular to all its correspondents माला Ex:  In terms of architecture, it is said of the Party Ends chorus of a church: it is often circular and higher than the rest उ: राजा ने खुशी-खुशी वह माला उसे दे दी। वर्तुल Ex:  It means, especially in terms of architecture, a small circular ornament and leaves, which are placed in ceilings ledges or in the middle of the abacus of Corinthian
Circular ki paribhasha : haaki, phutabaal aadi khelon men vah sthaan jahaaan gend pahuancha dene se virodhi paksh ki jit ho jaati hai
ExamplesCircular synonyms
oblique indirect rounded annular spheroid circinate circling disklike orbicular ring-shaped insert notice literature publication poster handout leaflet pamphlet flyer advertisement booklet brochure broadside throwaway Usage of Circular in sentences
The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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