Clam up meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Clam up
As verb :
चुप्पी रखना
Clam up synonyms
satisfy appease muzzle subdue relax muffle assuage please soften soothe pacify squelch mollify allay square reconcile palliate stroke lull ameliorate still compose console ice becalm moderate gratify soft-pedal squash gag tranquilize slack smooth choke settle calm down fix up shut up inactivate can it cool it cool out dummy up hold it down patch things up take the bite out of cut off mute quell suppress clam dampen deaden extinguish dull cut short dumb hush-hush overawe tongue-tie choke off close up decrease the volume dry up keep it down pipe down quiet down say nothing sit on strike dumb hold one's tongue hush one's mouth smother repress suffocate curb strangle asphyxiate stultify stagnate stop cork trammel kill spike check black out hush up constipate torpedo burke bring to screeching halt choke back clamp down cover up crack down put the lid on refuse deduct hide conceal deny resist retain detain inhibit abstain disallow refrain constrain restrain bridle reserve hold back hold out hold down hold out on keep secret keep to oneself keep under wraps stop oneself keep under one's hat be silent button up not let out a peep keep one's trap shut
Clam up antonyms
anger annoy incite release worry excite upset irritate provoke agitate depress trouble disagree disturb move aggravate turn up permit allow encourage let go start help communicate talk be noisy aid assist create persuade free loose begin bear grant disclose divulge uncover use liberate expose lay bare let out open reveal show tell go along indulge
Usage of Clam up in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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