Clarify meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Clarify
As noun : तस्फिया Ex:  In order to clarify his point
शुद्ध करना Ex:  In order to clarify the foundations of mathematics संपवन Ex:  clarify a fact
As verb : मैल छाटना Ex:  1835. Although his journals clarify some aspects of his work and life विमल करना Ex:  Fandorin is brought in to clarify some points of the will. विमलीकरण करना Ex:  Further discoveries or research may clarify the situation. विशुद्ध करना Ex:  This discovery seems to clarify Paul's confrontation in Antioch with "Cephas" विशुद्ध होना Ex:  Other sections help clarify how the Charter works in practice. स्पष्ट करना Ex:  clarify a point chronology of स्पष्टीकरण करना Ex:  clarify doubts स्पष्टीकरण देना Ex:  clarify the branches of a tree स���पष्ट करना Ex:  clarify the Wine
Other : निर्मल करना Ex:  Moore did not use any thought balloons to clarify his characters' thoughts पवित्र करना Ex:  Wilson's report did not clarify the matter for analysts
Clarify synonyms
resolve formulate clear up spell out simplify analyze interpret define delineate elucidate settle illuminate illustrate break down draw a picture make perfectly clear make plain shed light on straighten out throw light on rarefy distill filter refine clean cleanse depurate
Clarify antonyms
complicate mix up obscure muddle dirty question confuse muddy pollute soil
Usage of Clarify in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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