Classmate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Classmate
As noun : सतीर्थ्य Ex:  Also, in a very early strip, Calvin says that Hobbes ate a classmate of his .
सहपाठी Ex:  A classmate of King's father at Morehouse College उ:   ग्रेगोएर, ट्रूडो के भाई माइकल की सहपाठी थीं। हमसबक Ex:  He was my classmate
Classmate ki paribhasha : vah jisane saath men vidya ka adhyanan kiya ho
Classmate synonyms
colleague acquaintance buddy associate companion roommate partner cousin ally crony cohort comrade chum intimate familiar sidekick compatriot spare pal consort alter ego soul mate playmate well-wisher bosom buddy bride spouse concomitant helper twin duplicate assistant complement peer compeer reciprocal double groom counterpart helpmate match coordinate coworker analog bedmate day-pupil school classmate school kid school lad schoolboy schoolchild schoolgirl
Classmate antonyms
antagonist enemy opponent stranger foe detractor
Usage of Classmate in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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