Cleanliness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cleanliness
As noun : उजलापन Ex:  He was fastidious about cleanliness and hygiene
शुंध्यु Ex:  Men shaved their entire bodies for cleanliness शुचि Ex:  Bathroom cleanliness उ:   शुचि गंग तट विपिन विहारी। सफ़ाई Ex:  The cleanliness of the body, clothes उ:   इस सफ़ाई के लिए आंशिक रूप से है। सफा Ex:  With PROPERLY also means cleanliness स्चच्छता
Other : फरचाई Ex:  The cleanliness of religious dresses in Eastern Religions like Hinduism शौत Ex:  HOUSEHOLD still means the care we give to the arrangement and cleanliness of the furniture of an apartment सफाई Ex:  , It is a sweet, said he arranged a small house with a lot of cleanliness and taste उ:   ५ से ९ नवम्बर तक मंदिर परिसर को राख की सफाई करने के लिए बन्द रखा गया। सुथराई Ex:  Tenir an apartment with cleanliness, cleanliness in
Cleanliness ki paribhasha : maila, kooda, karakat aadi hataane ki kriya jisaka antaःkaran shuddh ho
Cleanliness synonyms
freshness purity sanitation neatness tidiness sterility immaculateness nattiness asepsis spotlessness spruceness trimness disinfection
Cleanliness antonyms
filth griminess dirtiness
Usage of Cleanliness in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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