Clear cut meaning in hindi
Clear cut synonyms
unambiguous obvious plain indubitable undisputed undoubted crystalline sharp-cut unquestioned discernible noticeable overt unmistakable visible understandable palpable glaring conspicuous barefaced marked observable perceivable self-evident big as life make no bones open and shut out in the open under one's nose perceptible measurable sizable substantial significant detectable estimable healthy large material sensible tangible distinguishable goodly ascertainable good-sized recognizable settled guaranteed confirmed secure insured sealed fixed dependable in the bag irrefutable unquestionable racked clinched ensured cinched beyond doubt made certain nailed down on ice sewed up surefire forthright emphatic absolute direct downright flat out ultimate unqualified unreserved all out no holds barred no strings attached straight out simple neat trim correct legible readable uncluttered coherent audible comprehensible incontrovertible intelligible knowable uncomplicated apprehensible graspable loud enough spelled out transpicuous unblurred brief provoking biting stimulating tart abrupt brusque pithy succinct piquing limpid luminous pellucid barbed scathing raw pointed piercing sarcastic stinging sardonic caustic acerbic probing acid bitter acrimonious hurtful malicious severe wounding ingoing determined fated predetermined destined for sure indisputable runaway unalterable undeniable resolved prearranged bold clean-cut complete full graphic minute particular vivid well-grounded ringing clearly defined not vague silhouetted undubitable well-marked actual reliable exhaustive decisive conclusive determining ending final last perfect real terminal closing concluding completing finishing limiting settling terminating palatable prescribed enunciated axiomatic fact logical incontestable plain as day identical literal rigorous careful faithful faultless methodical nice orderly right on unerring veracious verbal verbatim true dead on on target on the button on the money on the numbers bull's-eye accurate frank on the nose outspoken stated premeditated individual intended deliberate considered singular willing voiced special voluntary especial intentional out-and-out outright unconditional expressed designful witting concise satirical mordant laconic slashing drilling fathomable comprehendible shown prominent divulged disclosed evidenced told revealed evinced easy ordinary routine self-explanatory clear as a bell cut and dried sewn up undisguised flagrant gross controlled limited exclusive blatant shrill intrusive pervasive pungent edged puncturing permeating entering infiltrating forcing carrying going through passing through penetrant crystal-clear easily understood confident affirmative concrete cold cocksure consummate convinced factual forceful forcible genuine hard thorough thoroughgoing inarguable strict rigid proper narrow restricted stringent very determinate circumscribed arresting striking broad notable outstanding credible wise consistent justifiable plausible judicious thoughtful sane rational sober advisable believable cerebral commonsensical conscious consequent cool levelheaded perceiving ratiocinative reasoning reflective sound tenable together tolerant unbiased unprejudiced well-advised reasoned all there cognitive percipient thought-out in one's right mind different specialized unique peculiar characteristic sole straight-out cut fine drawn fine hit nail on head bull's eye elementary uninterrupted undemanding great effective powerful fast compelling potent formidable stiff cogent convincing influential mighty overpowering persuasive redoubtable telling urgent weighty well-founded well-established curt cryptic elliptical compact compendious condensed epigrammatic sententious short and sweet snappy summary taut aphoristic boiled down breviloquent clipped compendiary cut to the bone gnomic in a nutshell to the point see-through diaphanous glassy semiopaque semitransparent translucid sincere honest candid articulate artless guileless ingenuous unsophisticated easily seen plain-spoken salient unsparing acidulous acute astringent critical driving dynamic effectual energetic impressive intense keen piquant salty vigorous crushing razor-sharp undisputable univocal no catch no fine print no ifs ands or buts uncontestable sheer unadulterated arrant austere damned oppressive persistent relentless unabridged unbending unbroken undiluted unrelieved unabated unalleviated unmixed Clear cut antonyms
ambiguous inexact questionable equivocal vague indefinite uncertain hesitant obscure fuzzy indistinct invisible obscured hidden unclear unknown unsure inconspicuous concealed unintelligible improbable real unlikely unnoticeable secret dark dull doubtful dubious mistakable imperceptible unrecognizable insignificant minor unimportant inconsiderable negligible unnoticed little small unappreciable undecided feared distrustful doubting nervous unfixed doubted confused dismayed fearful conditional implied qualified tentative uncategorical complicated intricate ornate cluttered adulterated impure defiled unchaste muddled incomplete complex difficult decorated embellished dirty filthy foul polluted stained tarnished besmirched unvirtuous imprecise unsterile cloudy shadowy mysterious congested foggy culpable guilty undefined dim gloomy blocked clogged closed hindered clouded smudged responsible kind limp nice sweet flexible soft temperate warm lengthy long ruffled rumpled soothing stupid unintelligent pleasant gentle weak mild calm blunt bland deferential delaying wavering postponing procrastinating indeterminate unlimited not clear inconclusive interim temporary unreliable false connected resembling similar hazy disputable inaccurate incorrect flawed wrong loose approximate careless uncareful implicit unspecific usual unwilling indirect general common ordinary normal slow long-winded wordy incompetent murky puzzled muddied unreasonable moral unrestricted part partial clean idiotic senseless imperfect negative disadvantageous yielding unhelpful lenient tolerant unsuitable negligent slipshod easy-going improper unpronounced implausible unbelievable unrealistic unwise foolish irrational unsound expensive intolerable impractical nonsensical thoughtless outrageous lazy ignorant aboveboard forthright frank honest boring old-fashioned benevolent moderate unstylish flat tasteless standard commonplace deceitful dishonest devious hard involved unstable powerless impotent incapable ineffective feeble infirm complacent irresolute laid-back uncaring pale moving insecure unhealthy agreeable delicate unpowerful polite verbose prolix opaque untrustworthy lying tricky frivolous mixed Usage of Clear cut in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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