Clerical meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Clerical
As noun : उपरहिती Ex:  He does some clerical work in the government office.
पुरोहिती Ex:  This combination is referred to as clerical fascism
As adjective : पादरियों का Ex:  The clergy was wearing a clerical gown. पादरी संबंधी Ex:  The Council also addressed abuses such as clerical corruption पादरी संबन्धी Ex:  Amar Das also established the manji system of clerical supervision. लिखावटी Ex:  This clerical form uses two fewer strokes लिपिक विषयक Ex:  It is a clerical लिपिक Ex:  Letter by which a bishop of his diocese that consents be promoted to the clerical orders or by another bishop लिपिकविषयक Ex:  Reviews clerical लिपिकीय Ex:  The clerical functions लेखक का Ex:  Tonsure clerical लेखक संबन्धी लेखन संबंधी लेखा संबंधी
Clerical synonyms
accounting bookkeeping office subordinate written clerkish clerkly pink collar scribal stenographic typing white collar pastoral ministerial monastic ecclesiastical canonical holy papal pontifical sacerdotal sacred churchly cleric rabbinical apostolic episcopal monkish parsonical parsonish prelatic priestly theocratical
Usage of Clerical in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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