Clinch meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Clinch
As noun : गह Ex:  They fought hard clinch
गिरफ्तगी तय करना तय हो जाना धराव पकड़ उ:   उसमें औपन्यासिकता है, कहानी की पकड़ है। मुठ्ठा
As verb : करकर पकड़ना Ex:  If that didn't clinch it कील मोड़ना Ex:  It was not very modesty itself to clinch the best part जकड जकड़ प्राप्त कर लेना
Other : पकड उ:   जहाँ पुलिस उसे रेड मे पकड लेती है। बांधना लिपट जाना
Clinch ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka jaharila makad pakadne ki kriya ya bhaav
Clinch synonyms
conclude assure cap decide seal set confirm verify seize settle determine sew up snatch clamp grip hug enfold clutch fix nail grasp grapple cuddle embrace bolt clench press fasten squeeze clasp rivet grab hold of lay hands on make fast
Clinch antonyms
delay put off disprove invalidate let go loosen unlock release liberate open unfasten give push away
Usage of Clinch in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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