Clip meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Clip
As noun : अंश Ex:  I want a paper clip to hold my project together. उ:   रिपोर्ट के अंश ; में मुद्रित हैं।
अंशभूत Ex:  the paper clip was invented in 1900 अक्षर छोड़ देना Ex:  She gave a clip at his right leg. अधौत Ex:  The rifle is fed by an "en bloc" clip which holds eight rounds of . अपित्व Ex:  The Garand is loaded with a full clip of 8 cartridges. अपित्वी Ex:  Once the clip is inserted आँस Ex:  It is also possible to modify the clip latch कतरे हुइ ऊन का गालाआ Ex:  Antique mantle Species the ancient Greeks, short and light, fastened with a clip on the right shoulder काट कर निकाल देना Ex:  diamond clip, clip enriched with diamonds कारतूस की पेटी Ex:  It also means a snap clip Sorte, placed at the end of a chain to hang a watch and can open or close कालविभक्ति Ex:  It also tells of the clip where you pass the tape with a cross किलप लगाना Ex:  It has a clip in this city किलप Ex:  It is even said to take both the attachment of a horse, or both absolutely Take the clip किल्प Ex:  Panneton espagnolette, prominent Party in the body of the espagnolette, which is used to close the two parts of the window, entering the laid clip on one and the other pressing गोली ड़ली हुई तोप Ex:  The royal coat was attached by a clip diamond घाउ Ex:  This dress clip ill चिमटी Ex:  We must put this door in the face of this clip छँटाई Ex:  , This man has strong clip, clip stiff, it takes with force what he has in hand उ:   डाक छँटाई के दौरान राखी डाक का विशेष ध्यान रखा जाता है। ज्येष्ठांश ठोँ तेजी से प्रहार करना धमाधम निहाथ पद् प्रहार उ:   सामाजिक कूरितियों पर उन्होंने जमकर प्रहार किया। बाल कतरना भागार्था भित्त भूमिभाग मुखभंग राशिभाग वखरुह वटन षड्भाग सर्वांग हति हात का फुर्तीला प्रहार ह्रित
As verb : एक औजार जो चीजों को एक साथ पकडे रहता है Ex:  My Father in July 2007. Of this clip एक औजार जो चीजों को एक साथ पकड़े रहता है Ex:  Ænima's final track "Third Eye" is preceded by a clip of Hicks' performances कर्तन Ex:  Church Clothing, shaped coat, which clip in front and going to the heels, and wear the bishop, the officiating priest, the singers, etc छाँटना Ex:  The two blades of the clip online of a corkscrew, which approach or are away at will, give way to draw lines of different sizes छांटन बागना ‡ व्यावृति स्वज लगाना
Other : काँट छाँट Ex:  Detach one thing the clip or clips that were holding the क्लिप Ex:  The door of a staple, small ring Sorte where they brought the hook and a clip serves to retain the छांटना संक्षेप करना स्वज
Clip ki paribhasha : kisi dhaaradaar chij ki daab ya ragad se do tukade karana haath ya pair ki paaanchon uangaliyon ka samooha, saadhaaranataः hatheli ke saahit haath ki aur talave ke agale bhaag ke saahit pair ki paaanchon uangaliyaaan aangoothe aur bich ki uangali athava tarjani ki vah sthiti jo donon ko milaane ya ek ko any par rakhane se hoti hai baat kaatanevaala vyakti ek prakaar ka vishaila saaanp vah kamaani jo chitthiyon, kaagajon aadi ko ekatr karake unamen isaliye laga di jaati hai ki jisamen ve idhar udhar na ho jaayan kapade, kaagaj ya dhaatu ki chaddar aadi ke ve chhote chhote raddi tukade jo kaatachhaaant ke pichhe bach rahate hain bhinn ki lakir ke oopar ki snkhya sonaaron ka ek aujaar jisase taar aadi modne aur mahin rave uthaane ka kaam liya jaata hai kisi padaarth se usake kisi ansh ko kaatakar alag karana
Clip synonyms
trim shave prune mow snip shear lower truncate shorten reduce pare crop dock decrease slash bob curtail cut back skive knock smack whack blow box thump sock clout cuff wallop
Clip antonyms
increase elongate lengthen enlarge grow raise expand extend
Usage of Clip in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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