Closeness meaning in hindi
As noun : अंतिकता Ex: the sudden closeness of the dock sent him into action
अकेलापन Ex: their closeness grew as the night wore on उ: अकेलापन मदात्यय में भूमिका निभा सकता है। अभ्याश Ex: This closeness to the British establishment आसदन Ex: Because of his closeness to Richelieu उपार Ex: The closeness of the outcome एकांत Ex: These dates are derived from the closeness of length of her reign ताटस्थ दमघुटाव निकटता उ: महासागर से इसकी निकटता की वजह से भी इसमें काफी बदलाव हुआ है। नैकटय पारिमुख्य समभ्याहार समुपस्था, समुपस्थान सविध हवा की कमी
Other : गाढ़ापन Ex: Due to the islands' closeness to South America घनिष्ठता Ex: Apart from stylistic closeness नज़दीकी उ: सबसे नज़दीकी रेलवे स्टेशन जम्मू तवी है। समीपता
Closeness ki paribhasha : kisi baat ya bhed ko chhipaane ka bhaav
ExamplesCloseness synonyms
intimacy proximity strictness density propinquity penuriousness reticence compactness secretiveness secrecy parsimony stinginess illiberality adjacency Closeness antonyms
openness Usage of Closeness in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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