Closure meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Closure
As noun : इनसिदाद Ex:  The closure of factories has left many people jobless.
काम बंदी Ex:  Frequent strikes forced the management for the closure of the factory. बंद होना Ex:  From then until its closure in 1946 मतादेश दे कर समापन Ex:  When Mussolini ordered the closure of Catholic Action in May 1931 विनिमीलन Ex:  He said, in terms of chemistry, a closure obtained by melting the edges of the vase we want to close संबरण Ex:  The closure of a Lent संवरण Ex:  The closure of a store, a theater, said of a shop that ceases to sell , a theater that keeps giving performances समापन उ:   सीज़न का समापन २७ जून २०१५ को प्रसारित किया गया था। बंदी उ:   वे यहां ३ वर्ष ८ माह तक बंदी रहे।
Other : निमीलन Ex:  The closure of Azerbaijani and Turkish borders has devastated the economy निर्मिलन Ex:  Since the 1980s another trend has emerged with the closure of some main roads बंद Ex:  Because of the closure of the university in the spring of 1905 उ:   दो-तीन बार तो इसके बंद होने तक की नौबत आ गई थी। बन्द होना Ex:  Katrina also forced the closure of 16 National Wildlife Refuges बन्दी Ex:  Around the closure of the 19th century उ:   बन्दी अवस्था में सबसे लंबी आयु २२ वर्ष दर्ज की गई है। वेष्‍टन Ex:  Such items will be given for the closure संवरक Ex:  The closure of a museum, a park उ:   यह गुण संवरक के रूप में जाना जाता है। समापन करना Ex:  The closure of this exhibition was irrevocably decided
Closure ki paribhasha : ke anusaar poorn ya khagraas grahan kisi kaary ya baat aadi ka ant hona kisi aarnbh kiye hue kaary ki samaapti dukaan aadi bnd hone, kaam kaaj sthagit hone ya kisi kaary ke ruk jaane ki sthiti
Usage of Closure in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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