Clot meaning in hindi
As noun : आतंच Ex:  A haemophiliacs blood will not clot properly.
गुठ्ठल होना Ex:  The acids mixed with milk form a clot चक्का थक्का बनना थक्का उ: केवल थ्रोम्बोलाइटिक्स एक थक्का को तोड़ सकता है।
As verb : थक्का होना
Other : गुठली Ex:  It means by extension Freeze , clot उ: किसी को न तो वृक्ष की कलम लगाने देना और न ही गुठली देना। बंधना
Clot ki paribhasha : vah ghaas jo pahali varsha ke uparaant kheton men ugati hai ianton ya pattharon ka dher jo maap ya ginati ke liye kram se lagaaya gaya ho kisi gaadhi chij ki jami hui moti tah
ExamplesClot synonyms
clump set battery cluster array thickness bunch group gob precipitate body glob consolidation bundle bulk occlusion batch clotting embolism grume conglutination curd curdling coagulum embolus thrombus coalescence curdle congeal thicken jelly solidify gelatinize lopper clabber jellify gelate glop up Clot antonyms
individual one opening thin melt loose Usage of Clot in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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