Clothed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Clothed
As noun : आच्छादित Ex:  the mountain was clothed in tropical trees उ:   कर्म के प्रभाव से पुद्गल की गति आत्मा के प्रकाश को आच्छादित करती है।
आछादित Ex:  She clothed herself in a new dress. निभृत Ex:  be clothed in purple परिस्तीर्ण Ex:  I clothed and fed for ten years पर्यावृत Ex:  If decently clothed पिन्निय Ex:  PALATIN also said to a Lord who was clothed with a pantry, an office in the palace of a prince प्रतिवीत Ex:  Public Life, The actions of a man clothed in some dignity or responsible in any job, as they relate to that dignity, to that employment; versus Privacy, The particular and domestic life प्रत्यूढ Ex:  The charge which I clothed you लतावेष्टित Ex:  The past participle is used clothed adjectively वितत Ex:  The title, power, dignity he is clothed व्यावृत Ex:  The virtues and amiable qualities which he was clothed make it worthy of all our regrets संतृण्ण
As verb : परिवृत Ex:  Dismally be clothed बिंटना Ex:  The forms assumed by thought, which thought is clothed वेष्टित Ex:  It is housed, it is poorly clothed
Clothed ki paribhasha : nadi ya parakote aadi se chaaron or se ghira hua
Clothed synonyms
veiled cloaked covered dressed up attired draped shod costumed robed invested decked
Clothed antonyms
undressed exposed naked unclothed
Usage of Clothed in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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