Clouds meaning in hindi
As noun : अंबुद Ex:  The stars are obscured by the clouds
आंबुद Ex:  the underbellies of clouds
ExamplesClouds synonyms
gloom vapor darkness smoke puff smog mist veil steam pother murk obscurity frost overcast smother scud haze nebula billow dimness rack film brume sheep haziness thunderhead fogginess nebulosity pea soup woolpack mare's tail ol' buttermilk sky shower swarm throng horde army legion rout host flock multitude scores dense mass darken overshadow eclipse blur envelop adumbrate obfuscate shade becloud befog perplex puzzle muddle distract impair distort muddy addle befuddle disorient Clouds antonyms
cognizance brightness light understanding unveil explain explicate brighten lighten clear open clear up unfog enlighten clarify Usage of Clouds in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi
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