Cock meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cock
As noun : अकड के चलनेवाला मुखिया Ex:  The media today is permitting many cock and bull stories to smear the reputation of PM.
अकड़ के चलनेवाला मुखिया Ex:  The cock had a colourful comb. आँख मारना Ex:  A burette has a stop cock at its opening. आनतान Ex:  We woke at cock crow. कोनदार भूसे का ढेर Ex:  Kant asked the neighbour to slay the cock घोडा चढाना Ex:  castrate a young cock घोड़ा चढ़ाना Ex:  cock crew The घोड़ा Ex:  dying Socrates asked, sacrificing a cock to Aesculapius तिरछा करना Ex:  It is a parish of cock नरपक्षी Ex:  Legs to cock said Legs that have not calf फूटरा Ex:  The cock of the steeple बन्दूक का घोड़ा Ex:  This boar, this cock is furious, he bristles बन्दूक का घौड़ा चढाना Ex:  This cock has the right peak बेसिर पैर की बात Ex:  This cock ruffles the feathers of his neck मुढ्ढ Ex:  This Figure also said the cock we put on the tips of church steeples, and serves as a weathervane रोधनी Ex:  You have to see which turned the cock to know which way the wind is blowing शंकु आकार में भूसे का ढेर लगाना Ex:  , The cock of the village, one who, in a village, is most admired, especially girls शिक्ष्न
As verb : उठाकर तैयार रखना Ex:  One cock should be kept for five hens. एक तरफ झुकाना Ex:  The cock had to be manually reset after each firing खड़ा करना Ex:  A cock well ergoté
Other : कुक्कुट Ex:  Socrates speaks his last words to Crito: "Crito, we owe a cock to Asclepius. उ:   इसमें कुक्कुट विज्ञान से सम्बन्धित विविध विषयों पर शोध होता है। खड़ा करना Ex:  A cock joust घोडा Ex:  castrated cock which is fattened मुरगा Ex:  This is the cock of his parish
Cock synonyms
chicken cock-a-doodle-doo cockerel capon chanticleer cockalorum prick perk up hump pile stack erect raise stand erect stand up stick up dick pecker peter shaft member manhood willy phallus johnson wood schlong
Cock antonyms
Usage of Cock in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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