Coexistence meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Coexistence
As noun : एक ही काल का जीवन Ex:  It provides an excellent example of religious coexistence .
मिल जुलकर रहना Ex:  System which supposes the coexistence in the universe in man or in things, two principles, two sides, two elements सह अस्तित्व सहअस्तित्व उ:   ये सब देखकर लगता है कि हिंदू और बौद्ध सहअस्तित्व में विश्वास करते है।
Other : सह उ:   यूट्यूब के अन्य दो सह संस्थापक, स्टीव चैन और जावेद करीम है। सहभाव
Coexistence ki paribhasha : saha- jivan ya yugapat sthiti ki bhaavana
Coexistence synonyms
peace harmony accord concurrence coincidence conjunction conformity order contemporaneousness synchronicity simultaneousness coetaneousness coevality
Coexistence antonyms
fighting refusal disagreement difference
Usage of Coexistence in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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