Coincidence meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Coincidence
As noun : अंगसंग Ex:  he waited for the coincidence of the target and the cross hairs
अनुरूपता Ex:  It was a sheer coincidence that he died on his birthday. उ:   इसमें हीयाली जैसी रचनाएँ पहेलियों की अनुरूपता की सूचक हैं। इतफाक Ex:  In a strange coincidence उ:   लेकिन यह एक एतहासिक नगर है, इस बात से सभी इतफाक रखते है। इत्तफाक Ex:  Woodward has said this was a coincidence इत्तिफाक Ex:  Hebbian coincidence learning, Hopfield networks and attractor networks: . उफताद Ex:  Astronomers had considered the "law" a meaningless coincidence एक ही साथ पडना Ex:  By coincidence her nephew Otto Robert Frisch एक ही साथ पड़ना Ex:  I don't know – coincidence दैवयोग Ex:  It is pure coincidence उ:   दैवयोग से रत्नसारपुरमें श्वसुर-दामाद के ऊपर चोरी का आरोप लगा। प्रत्यासंग Ex:  The coincidence of these phenomena is very remarkable भटभेरापु Ex:  The coincidence of these two events is very remarkable भूखारी Ex:  The coincidence of these two symptoms, in such disease is unfortunate मुआफिकत Ex:  The effect of an accident, an unfortunate coincidence संपात उ:   संपात और अयन निसर्गसिद्ध हैं, इस संबंध में कोई मतभेद नहीं है। संयोग उ:   संयोग से उस दिन शिवरात्रि थी। संसंग सद्दशता समापत्ति सयोग स‌ंपात
Other : इत्तफ़ाक़ Ex:  Ernest W. Brown concluded almost immediately that this was a coincidence एकमत्य Ex:  It suffers from lack of double coincidence of wants . मिलाव Ex:  The coincidence of two lines, two surfaces सन्निपात सम्पात
Coincidence ki paribhasha : ve sab chitthiyaaan aur paarsal aadi jo dak se bheji jaayan kapha, vaat aur pitt tinon ka ek saath bigadna
Coincidence synonyms
correspondence accord consonance accordance union concurrence accompaniment parallelism correlation conjunction conformity collaboration concomitance synchronism fluke fate fortuity incident eventuality chance luck stroke of luck happy accident
Coincidence antonyms
refusal discord nonconformity separation clash deviation divergence mismatch difference disagreement division disconnection design plan scheme
Usage of Coincidence in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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