Coldhearted meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Coldhearted
As noun : अयोहृदय
संगदिल हृदयप्रस्तर
Coldhearted ki paribhasha : jisake hraday men kisi ke prati moh ya daya na ho jisaka hraday patthar ki tarah kathor ho
Coldhearted synonyms
detached harsh indifferent uncaring unfriendly unsympathetic hard-hearted stony-hearted unloving anesthetic dull impassive indolent insensible languid lazy lifeless listless slow sluggish spiritless torpid seasoned callous prepared unbending benumbed accustomed habituated contemptuous cruel disdainful hard-boiled impenetrable impious inaccessible irreverent obdurate obtuse resistant hard-bitten uncompassionate inured indurated steeled toughened case-hardened hard-as-nails unashamed unrepenting unsubmissive cold-blooded inhuman intolerant merciless brutish crass unresponsive aloof tactless unconcerned incurious unsusceptible feelingless hard as nails imperceptive austere barbarous brutal cutthroat dog-eat-dog implacable inexorable mean relentless remorseless ruthless satanic savage soulless coldblooded hatchetjob inhumane killer instinct expressionless adamant blank chilly firm hostile inflexible rough unforgiving unrelenting reticent deadpan dispassionate emotionless laid-back apathetic blah cool flat glacial marble phlegmatic quiet reserved undemonstrative unimpressionable along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches unexcitable malicious spiteful hateful nasty inconsiderate malevolent malignant sadistic thoughtless uncharitable bestial bloodthirsty hurtful monstrous unsparing vengeful vindictive tyrannous unpitying impassible forbidding icy frosty formal impotent repellent stiff unapproachable cold-shoulder cold fish asleep cantankerous churlish crotchety exacting inanimate insensate senseless severe surly anesthetized deadened iron-hearted sensationless unamiable uncordial inhibited ardorless imperturbable matter-of-fact unmoved steely
Coldhearted antonyms
warm-hearted blushing flushed ruddy caring feeling sensitive rosy sanguine compassionate kind nice sympathetic softhearted considerate impressionable mindful responsive aware concerned touched sensate merciful charitable friendly smiling emotional excitable pleasing polite helpful pleasant gentle thoughtful giving generous amicable amorous lovable loving hot warmhearted
Usage of Coldhearted in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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