Coldness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Coldness
As noun : अट्टन Ex:  The warmth is a tendency to yellow, the coldness a tendency to blue.
उपक्षेपण Ex:  be at odds with someone, said of Two people pitted against each other and which testify to the reserve and coldness उपेक्षा Ex:  Figuratively, it is said of a person whose first is of extreme coldness उ:   जिनकी पहले उपेक्षा की जा रही थी। गजनिमीलिका Ex:  If thawed, out, in social relations, in conversation, the reserve, the coldness of the First we were guarded by reserve or shyness ठंडक Ex:  The coldness उ:   वर्षाकाल में शरीर ठंडक का अभ्यस्त होने लगता है। परिभवविधि Ex:  The coldness परिहाणि Ex:  The coldness of a mistress फुहकार Ex:  The coldness of imagination रीढा Ex:  The coldness of marble लोमर Ex:  The coldness of old age व्युदास Ex:  The coldness of time
Other : जाडय Ex:  It is said to similar effect The coldness of a home, reception, response, etc ठंड Ex:  It says figuratively Lack of softness, coldness of manner, in tone, in the sentiments उ:   सर्दियों में यहां बहुत ठंड पड़ती है। शीतल Ex:  The water coldness उ:   कोका-कोला दुनिया की सबसे मान्यता प्राप्त शीतल पेय कंपनी है।
Coldness synonyms
coolness frigidness frostiness iciness chilliness
Usage of Coldness in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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