Collaborator meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Collaborator
As noun : जायंट Ex:  Perhaps Diaghilev's most notable composer collaborator
देशद्रोही Ex:  Münch was a friend and collaborator of Pound in Rapallo परिगृहीता Ex:  A close collaborator of Henry Ford during World War II reported that Ford शत्रु का साथ देने वाला Ex:  Invincible Overlord, with friend and collaborator Ted Matson. शिराकती Ex:  Renault begins the film as a collaborator with the Nazis संप्रयुक्तक सहयोगी उ:   फ्रांस और उसके सहयोगी इस बार विजयी रहे थे। सहलेखक हमजोली
Other : सह उ:   नंदन नीलेकणि इन्फोसिस के सह अध्यक्ष और संस्थापक सदस्यों में से एक हैं। सहकर्ता
Collaborator ki paribhasha : jo kaam karane men madadagar ya sahaayak ho desh ke saath vishvaasadhaat karanevaala vah jo kisi ke saath milakar koi kaam karata ho
Collaborator synonyms
colleague assistant associate partner teammate helper quisling confederate co-worker fellow traveller running dog team player
Collaborator antonyms
antagonist enemy opponent
Usage of Collaborator in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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