Collapse meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Collapse
As noun : अकरणि Ex:  the collapse of the movement was attributable to a lack of morale
अकृतार्थता Ex:  The political situation deteriorated after the collapse of the government. अचानक बीमार पड़ना Ex:  Use chair that collapse for small spaces. अधहपात Ex:  Too much red ink and the company will collapse . अनुत्पात्ति Ex:  After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 अभ्यवस्कंद Ex:  After the collapse of the Soviet Union असफलता Ex:  Wellington, following heavy losses in the collapse of the Colonial Bank. उ:   दागेस्तान की असफलता भी उसे खाए जा रही थी। इनहिदाम Ex:  In 1888 an enquiry into the collapse was set up. इस्कात Ex:  Langford who treated Lee for his first collapse stated after his death that उच्छटना Ex:  At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 एकाएक गिरना Ex:  The decline of communism in the Soviet Union and its collapse in Eastern Europe खिरना Ex:  Since the collapse of the Soviet Union गिर जाना Ex:  Within months of the collapse of the Berlin Wall गिरना Ex:  The subsequent collapse formed a caldera that उ:   इसमें ताप्ती और गिरना नदियाँ बहती है। गिरावट Ex:  After the collapse of the Russian Empire during World War I उ:   उद्योग झंग में, लेकिन इसके बाद से गिरावट आई है। चषति Ex:  The German air arm was to help prevent a total collapse of Army Group Centre. च्योल Ex:  After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 छोटा होना Ex:  With the collapse of the Habsburg Empire at the end of World War I जवाब दे देना Ex:  The financial collapse produced a political crisis ढह जाना Ex:  An England batting collapse resulted in an innings defeat ढिँगलाना Ex:  All levels of education suffered collapse दट Ex:  Since the collapse of Ba'ath Iraq in 2003 दब जाना Ex:  After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 दहवाट Ex:  " Following the collapse of the Soviet Union निपात विपदा Ex:  Following the collapse of apartheid in 1990-94 निपात Ex:  There have been many explanations put forward for the collapse of civilization. उ:   अतः अध्याय को ही निपात की संज्ञा से जाना जाता है। पतन Ex:  After the collapse of the Roman Empire उ:   पतन वह पाण्डवों का धर्म-हित था। पिचक जाना Ex:  With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 प्रच्चय Ex:  4100. After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire following World War I प्रपतन Ex:  Following his resignation and the collapse of the Soviet Union प्रभंश Ex:  The collapse of the Soviet Union प्रमय Ex:  Prior to the collapse of the Richelieu Apartments प्रस्रंस Ex:  With the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1918 बागना ‡ Ex:  Since the collapse of the Soviet Union बिधंस Ex:  Tynan's diatribe almost precipitated another collapse भेदिका Ex:  After the collapse of 1999 भ्रंशन, भ्रंसन Ex:  The Henan famine aided the collapse of the Republican government. रक्तस्त्राव Ex:  There was no strategic collapse उ:   जिस स्थान से अत्यधिक रक्तस्त्राव होता हो उसका पहले उपचार करें। रुरना Ex:  There were no German rocket societies after the collapse of the VFR लुड़ना Ex:  Mining of the ore continued after the collapse of Coleman's empire विधंस Ex:  Just before the collapse of the Third Reich विध्वंस Ex:  Following the collapse of the Soviet Union उ:   विद्रोह, विध्वंस अथवा आत्महस्ती अभिपुष्टि पर बल रहता है। विध्वंसात्मक Ex:  Beginning with the collapse of the Lisp Machine market in 1987 विस्त्रंस Ex:  After the collapse of the Soviet Union संछिदा Ex:  After the collapse of the talks, Palestinians began the Second Intifada. समवसदन होना Ex:  Following the collapse of Adal and Ajuuraan in the 17th century समवसन्न होना Ex:  With the collapse of the central government in 1991 समवसाद होना Ex:  Since the collapse of the state समाप्त हो जाना Ex:  The Venetian collapse was complete साहस हीनता Ex:  Since the collapse of the Soviet Union साहसहीन होना Ex:  The collapse of the Central Powers came swiftly. स्खल Ex:  The depression of the economy led to the collapse of social services स्रस Ex:  After the collapse of the Soviet Union हिम्मत हार जाना Ex:  Following the collapse of détente हिम्मत हारना Ex:  A collapse of rocks
As verb : अचानक गिरना Ex:  The collapse of the Soviet Union has ended the cold war. टूटकर गिर जाना Ex:  Many assumed that Bradman was complicit in the collapse पतन होना Ex:  He argues that the collapse of the Maya has lessons for civilization today. बिमार पड़ना Ex:  After the collapse of the Soviet Union सकिलाना ‡ Ex:  After the collapse of the Soviet Union सिमटना Ex:  After the collapse of Han
Other : ढेर हो जाना Ex:  The collapse of the State Bank in 1992 resulted in large levels of state debt . बैठ जाना Ex:  With the collapse of the Soviet system शक्तिपात Ex:  Following the collapse of the Soviet Union सिकुड जाना Ex:  After the collapse of the Communist government
Collapse ki paribhasha : girane ki kriya ya bhaav ekatr ya sngrah karane ki kriya kisi kaary ya baat aadi ka ant hona niboo, imali, aama, anaar ya aaanvale aadi kisi khatte phal ke ras ko gaadha karake banaaya hua ek padaarth jo atynt khatta hota hai kautily ke anusaar nahaane ka sthaan niche oopar rakhi hui bahut si vastuon ka samooh jo kuchh oopar utha hua ho maan ya pad ki maryaada men dosh ya baadha hona aadhaar ya avarodh ke abhaav ke kaaran kisi chij ka ekadam oopar se niche aa jaana door tak phaili hui vastu ka thode sthaan men aa jaana udta hua ya udnevaala
Collapse synonyms
crash catastrophe failure disruption debacle destruction disintegration bankruptcy ruination smash faint subsidence wreck flop exhaustion cataclysm prostration undoing disorganization smashup ruining basket case cave-in conk out crackup topple founder disintegrate shatter drop crumple weaken droop tire give wilt deflate bend fold flag yield go weary succumb languish crack up give in go to pieces keel over cave in fall down give way belly up flake out give out
Collapse antonyms
miracle success increase wonder creation good fortune build-up rise straighten accomplish achieve mend invigorate refresh inflate activate energize withhold grow create succeed fix strengthen
Usage of Collapse in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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