Collar meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Collar
As noun : अटकाकर रखना Ex:  He broke his collar bone.
आलमन Ex:  The collar of his shirt is always dirty. ऊरुसंधि Ex:  today i purchased a flea collar for my dog. कंठधरणी Ex:  This collar chafes the dogs neck. कंठाहार Ex:  He brushed a bit of lint away from Tom's collar . कण्ठा Ex:  Button your collar down . कलर Ex:  Tom took the dog by the collar and led it out . उ:   इस चैनल का नाम अब कलर मराठी हो गया है। कालंकनी Ex:  In April 1996, Mother Teresa fell and broke her collar bone. कुत्ते के गले की पट्टी Ex:  They also had yellow epaulettes lined green and a yellow collar on their coats. कॉलर Ex:  The badge is depicted suspended from the collar or circlet. उ:   यहाँ सायपन में एक कॉलर युक्त किंगफिशर ने एक छिपकली को पकड़ा है। गरदनी Ex:  Since the collar obscures all clouds below that parallel गलपट्ट Ex:  A chiffon collar गलपट्टा Ex:  A coat, a coat, a hat, a fur collar गला नापना Ex:  A collar trimmed whales गला पकड़ना Ex:  A free horse collar गले का पट्टा Ex:  A leather collar ग्रैवेय Ex:  Col shirt, collar or simply छिड़ाना Ex:  Défroncer the collar of a shirt छीन लेना Ex:  Entoiler tie, cuffs, a fur collar छीनने की कोशिश करना Ex:  False collar shirt Col reported that attaches around the neck using झपट लेना Ex:  festooning a collar दस्तबुर्द Ex:  franc Horse collar horse that pulls himself, without the need to give her lashes पकड़ना Ex:  He also said, in terms of Natural History of the Party the root of a tree that comes after the collar पट्टा डालना Ex:  He gave full collar in the revolution पट्टा पकडना Ex:  He took him by the collar and gave him two or three jerks पट्टा पकड़ना Ex:  In terms of Anatomy, The collar of a tooth, the part of a tooth that is between the crown and the root पट्टा Ex:  lend a collar परास्तता Ex:  Part of the harness horse collar where the lines are attached पारिहारिक Ex:  Porter an order in saltire, By wearing the ribbon, cord-shaped collar on the chest and supporting the badge प्रतिबंध लगाना Ex:  Reaching a collar मूलसन्धि Ex:  Skip to collar someone, take it, grab him by the collar, grab the collar to prevent him from moving or do violence रोक लगाना Ex:  Small architecture ornament shaped like a collar under the ove capitals रोककर रखना Ex:  Take someone by the collar to make him violence लीस Ex:  The coat's collar वलय सज्जा Ex:  The collar is also said of a bottle, a racket, a pickaxe, etc वलयसज्जा Ex:  The collar of this dress, this coat is too hollow, too hollowed समालंभ Ex:  The law of the collar of the Golden Fleece सरभ Ex:  The policemen held him by the collar हंसली Ex:  The rights and collar collar folded हड़प लेना Ex:  This coat, this collar winces हरवा ‡ Ex:  This collar flange my neck हरा ‡ Ex:  This dog has a collar with bells हार Ex:  Tulle collar उ:   दे किन्तु दोनो ही बार हार गये। हारयष्टि Ex:  Turndown collar, collar that folds and folds on itself हारु Ex:  Understanding the collar हेगल Ex:  , Paying the collar to someone, Introduce to fight or fight hand to hand against him
As verb : गिरफ्तार करना Ex:  A shirt collar that folds on shoulders
Other : कालर Ex:  This is usually represented by a collar or similar band surrounding the shield. गरेबान Ex:  It consists of a long-sleeved midnight blue coat with a standing collar गिरफ़्तार करना Ex:  A sequined collar गोलाधार Ex:  A velvet collar पट्टा लगाना Ex:  Leaves radical fibers, radicals stems, leaves, fibers, stems arising from the root collar
Collar ki paribhasha : ek gahana jo pagadi men lagaaya jaata hai kota, kamij ya kurate men vah uthi hui patti jo gale ke chaaro or rahati hai kisi sthaavar sthaavar snpatti visheshata: bhoomi ke upayog ka adhikaarapatr jo svaami ki or se aasaami, kiraayedaar ya thekedaar ko diya jaay ek puraana pratyay jo kisi shabd ke aage lagakar kartavya, dhaaran ya snyog aadi soochit karata hai ek aabhooshan jo gale men pahana jaata hain pakadne ka kaam karaana
Collar synonyms
torque frill choker fraise jabot fichu ruff dicky neckband vandyke eton bertha nab cop secure capture seize tree nail arrest appropriate take get catch corner grab abduct hook bag lay hands on
Collar antonyms
release liberate refuse reject misunderstand let go give up lose unfasten free offer keep fail miss be immune
Usage of Collar in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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