Collate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Collate
As noun : क्रमवार लगाना Ex:  Action collate
As verb :
परितुलन करना Ex:  Getting in the pack, Collect, collate its members, so that the body forms a sort of ball मिलवना मिलाना मेरवना मेराना मेलना संगति बिठाना सभी जगह से सूचना एकत्र करना समानुक्रमित करना
Collate ki paribhasha : ek padaarth men doosara padaarth dalana
Collate synonyms
compare compose group analogize relate gather adduce examine bracket contrast verify assemble order match
Collate antonyms
disperse scatter mix up spread distribute divide separate
Usage of Collate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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