Colleague meaning in hindi
As noun : सहकर्मी Ex:  It is my colleague in the Senate, the Council of State, and my colleague at the Academy , the उ: सहकर्मी उनसे कम परेशान थे ।
सहकारी Ex:  We have elected a new colleague उ: वह सहकारी प्रयासों को आगे बढ़ाना चाहता था। सहकार्यकर्ता Ex:  He hastened to return the ball to his colleague उ: वे अपने समकालीन, अनेक विख्यात लोगों के करीबी सहकार्यकर्ता थे। सहपाठी उ: लगभग १२ वर्ष की उम्र में उन्होंने उपने सहपाठी से शतरंज खेलना सीखा।
Other : वर्ग्य Ex:  My classmate is my colleague now. सह Ex:  Attalus' colleague as strategos, the allies lost two battles at Lamia. उ: दीघा सह सम्पर्क पथ छह लेन का है। सहयोगी उ: विख्यात ऋषि और दार्शनिक राम स्वरूप उनके गुरु और सहयोगी थे।
Colleague ki paribhasha : vah jisane saath men vidya ka adhyanan kiya ho ek prakaar ka kapad jo vivaah aadi men var ka paajaama tatha striyon ke lahange ityaadi ke banaane ke kaam men aata hain vah jo kisi ke saath milakar koi kaam karata ho
ExamplesColleague synonyms
comrade teammate buddy assistant aide friend partner companion ally crony cohort compatriot auxiliary helper compeer chum coadjutor confederate collaborator pal co-worker workmate confrere Colleague antonyms
enemy foe opponent antagonist detractor opposer Usage of Colleague in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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