Column meaning in hindi
As noun : अक्षरजननी Ex: he added a column of numbers
अग्रबीज Ex: a headed column अबली Ex: Army depends on the fifth column for getting information on the enemy at times of war. ईठी Ex: I saw a column of smoke erupt from the building. करवालिका Ex: The sixth column of the battalion was moving forward. कलम Ex: This amount carries over into the next column . उ: उनकी कलम से बाल साहित्य की रचना भी हुई है। खामा Ex: The beans are placed in the top of a column seventy feet high. ट्रप Ex: Bulawayo was reached by the Victoria column from Mashonaland ठट्ट Ex: Sports writer Bill Lyon of Knight-Ridder asked in a column डँड़वी Ex: In a May 2003 column on Wired. डड़ीच Ex: A player could create this air column by using a few different methods. डिसीप्लिन Ex: The column was erected in 1809 तदारक Ex: Thompson penned a weekly column called "Hey, Rube" for's "Page 2". तरंडा, तरंडी Ex: The column served as an introduction for cosmopolites to indigenous Brazil. दंड Ex: A number of Andrade's photographs were published alongside the column उ: जिसके लिए आर्थिक दंड देने का प्रावधान है। दंडकर्म Ex: When the flag is in a moving column दंडभय Ex: In a January 1909 newspaper column दमथ Ex: However, the Gulf is shallower and its entire water column is warm. धूम स्तम्भअ Ex: In an April 2005 eWeek opinions column पंकत Ex: Washington attempted to take the British column by surprise पंक्ति Ex: De la Rey succeeded in capturing the column and a large amount of ammunition. उ: प्रत्येक पंक्ति को दो नोड्स के बीच खींचा जाता है, आईपी पते जोड़ने से। पंक्त् Ex: Back in the Transvaal, he attacked a British raiding column at Bakenlaagte. पंडी Ex: The deployment could be on either the westernmost or the easternmost column पत्रभाग Ex: Buckley continued to write his syndicated newspaper column परांचा Ex: In his December 3 2007 column पृष्ठ का एक खण्ड Ex: In a column published December 3 2007 प्रदिपद् Ex: The column was 160 km long बेड़ा Ex: The second column was devoted to qin tablature. उ: इसके पास ४८००० कर्मचारी और ३५९ विमानों का बेड़ा है। मषिप्रसू Ex: that can appear in each column is called a domain . मसिपथ Ex: A column crude मसिप्रसू Ex: A column of figures लेखिनी Ex: A column of figures, several figures placed one below the other वर्णतूलि Ex: A column topped with a statue वर्णमाता Ex: A Rifles flanked the column वर्णवर्ति, वर्णवर्तिका Ex: An order of Doric column, a Doric column or वर्णांका Ex: Architecture and Archaeology Half column without capital, on which inscriptions are sometimes severe वार्वट Ex: Architecture Narrowing that occurs in the upper part of a column वावुट Ex: be the head of a column विंजोलि, विंजोली Ex: column वेडा Ex: column शास्त्रि Ex: column श्रीकरण Ex: column श्रेणि Ex: column समश्रेणि Ex: column साति Ex: column सेना की पंक्ति Ex: column सैन्यदल Ex: column स्कम्भ Ex: column उ: स्कम्भो दाधार प्रदिशः षडुर्वीः स्कम्भ इदं विश्वं भुवनमा विवेश । स्तम्भ Ex: Compile a column उ: इस स्तम्भ को 'बाणस्तम्भ' कहते हैं। स्तम्भअ Ex: Deploy the column Skip the order column in order to battle
Other : कालम Ex: On 22 January the centre column उ: यह कालम राष्ट्रीय हित पर ध्यान देता हे। खंभा Ex: The second Russian column approached the Arsenal through the Krasiński Gardens उ: चौथा खंभा पत्रकारिता, प्रेस और समाचार को कहा जाता है। खम्भा Ex: The other men from the second column टुकड़ी Ex: The column of Khama's men from the south had reached the Tati उ: सेना कि अग्र टुकड़ी को तुशी तथा पिछली टुकड़ी को 'कुले' कहा जाता था। स्कन्ध Ex: column उ: प्रथम स्कन्ध में सभी अवतारों का सारांश रूप में वर्णन किया गया है। स्तंभ Ex: column उ: इस स्तंभ की ऊँचाई ७३५.५ से.मी. है।
Column ki paribhasha : kisi aujaar aadi ka vah hissa jo haath se pakad jaata hai pnlaga, kurasi, chauki, takht aadi men khade dnde ya khnbhe ke aakaar ka vah bhaag jisake sahaare usaka dhaaancha ya tal oopar thahara rahata hai pustak ya snvaad patr ke prashth ki chaudai men kiye hue vibhaagon men se ek saahityadarpan ke anusaar ek prakaar ka saatvik bhaav aalamaari, mej ya sndook aadi men chijen rakhane ke liye patariyon ya takhton ke dvaara kiya hua vibhaag aisa samooh jisamen bahut si visheshataः ek hi ya ek hi prakaar ki vastuean ek doosare ke uparaant ek sidh men hon jo aaankhon ke samaanntar daahini or se baayi or athava baayi or se daahini or gaya ho vah dhaan jo ek jagah boya jaay aur ukhaadkar doosari jagah lagaaya jaay
ExamplesColumn synonyms
list file string platoon company rank queue cavalcade train row monument cylinder monolith buttress totem pedestal support prop brace obelisk standard upright post stay pier shaft mast tower colonnade underpinning pilaster pylon caryatid minaret stele peristyle Usage of Column in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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