Comatose meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Comatose
As noun : अंटागुड़ागुड़ Ex:  Goldman found that he had shot himself and was in a nearly comatose paralysis.
जड़वत नष्टचेतन नष्टसंज्ञ बिहोस बेसँभर बेहोश उ:   इस कारण वह सदमे से बेहोश हो जाती है। मुंछार मुरछावंत विमूर्छित स्रस्तगात्र हतचेत हतज्ञान
Comatose ki paribhasha : nali naamak gndhadravy jisamen koi kriya ya vyaapaar na ho
Comatose synonyms
senseless cold dead dopey drowsy drugged insensible lethargic out out cold sleepy sluggish somnolent stupefied stupid torpid hebetudinous slumberous stuporous dead to the world inconscious out to lunch soporose vegged out
Comatose antonyms
alert awake conscious
Usage of Comatose in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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