Come up meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Come up
As noun : अंकुरना Ex:  The new colony has come up on a rocky hillside.
उगना Ex:  Half of the seats come up for reelection every two years. उगमना Ex:  Besides the fact that both groups had come up together उग्गना Ex:  As a result he was able to come up with a distance estimate of 150,000 parsecs. उच्छ्रय उच्छ्राय Ex:  I could have come up with exactly one name, that of my immediate boss . उठना Ex:  Even India's first underground water tunnel will come up in Mumbai. उ:   यदि ऐसा हो जाए तो फिर समाधि से उठना संभव नहीं होगा। उथराना Ex:  As a result he was able to come up with a distance estimate of 150,000 parsecs. उद्गगमन Ex:  I hear someone come up उयना ऊआनापु ऊछेर ऊठना वियास समुद् गम
As verb : अंकुरना Ex:  The new colony has come up on a rocky hillside. अंगम Ex:  A new council-estate has come up in the outskirt of the city. आना Ex:  The MD of the Company has come up with new policies. उ:   काफी संख्या में पर्यटक यहां आना पसंद करते है। आयाति Ex:  When will Sharon come up for parole? आवना Ex:  However, when King was asked "How did you come up with the name Dragonslayer? उद्गगम Ex:  As a result, the Ontario government has come up with an anti-gun strategy. ऊआनापु ऊगर कठठना किसी घटना के होने का समय नज़दीक आना चर्चा छिड़ना निकलना पर्यावर्त पास आना पुनरागम,नरागमन प्रवेश लेना बीच में आना विनिः सरण वुरूद श्चोत, श्चोतन, श्च्योत, श्च्योतन समागमन समाय समुज्जृंभण सुनवाई होना
Come up ki paribhasha : nichi sthiti se ooanchi sthiti men karana nichi sthiti se aur ooanchi sthiti men hona vakta ke sthaan ki or chalana ya usapar praapt hona
Come up synonyms
arise occur turn up crop up spring up
Usage of Come up in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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