Command meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Command
As noun : अख्ज Ex:  an admiral in command
अगिआँ Ex:  disable this command on your computer अग्गियां Ex:  access time is the sum of seek time and rotational latency and command processing overhead अग्याँ Ex:  the chain of command अजमत Ex:  The command of the Army is with the General. अधिकार Ex:  The artist shows a fine command of pespective. उ:   जो कालान्तर में रावण के अधिकार में आ गया। अधीकार Ex:  She has a good command over French. अनार्की Ex:  The locus of power is in the high command of the party. अभ्यनुज्ञा Ex:  Jane grunted a command out to someone . अम्र Ex:  Bill has a good command of French . अववाद Ex:  Jane has a good command of economic theory . आकाशमूली Ex:  Interaction with the environment is via a single "Use" command आज्ञा Ex:  They decided to send General de la Rey there to assume supreme command उ:   गुरु की आज्ञा से ये गृहस्थ बने। आज्ञाप्य Ex:  By 15 May Nivelle was removed from command आदेश देना Ex:  Milton had command of Latin आदेश Ex:  This must be someone who can command a majority in the House of Commons. उ:   बीबीसी ने कहा कि वह आदेश का पालन करेगी। आर्ज्ञप्त Ex:  Kansas, was the military command center for the Indian Wars in the region. आर्ज्ञप्त Ex:  Kansas, was the military command center for the Indian Wars in the region. आसादन Ex:  In 196 BC he was placed in command of a Phoenician fleet इकतीयार Ex:  He took command of the Syracusan troops इजाजत Ex:  Upon assuming command उ:   और मुझे गोपनीयता का कुछ मामला बनाए रखने की इजाजत है। इधकार Ex:  Virginia, in July 1861, a march by Union troops under the command of Maj. इर्शाद Ex:  George B. McClellan took command of the Union Army of the Potomac on July 26 इलाम Ex:  William Tecumseh Sherman in command of most of the western armies. इशारत Ex:  The senate attempted to give command of the consular legions to Decimus Brutus इषू Ex:  Under the command of de Castro इसारत Ex:  On May 10, 1898, Spanish forces, under the command of Capt. ईमा Ex:  Cordero Davila was relieved of his command by Col. ईशत्व Ex:  Dudley finally resigned his command in December 1587 उपक्षेपण Ex:  The Soviet command began constructing extensive defenses around the city. ऐडमिनिस्ट्रेशन Ex:  The Mongol army under personal command of Genghis Khan ओलिगार्की Ex:  European armies left major command positions to those who could be trusted कंट्रोल Ex:  James set up command posts round the perimeter of the fire उ:   ऐसा करने के लिए यह रिमोट कंट्रोल अंतरफलक, पाठ आधारित अंतरफलक होता है। कबाँण Ex:  The Duke of York's command post at Temple Bar कमांड Ex:  Given command of the 64-gun ''Agamemnon'' in 1793 उ:   ये विशेष शब्द कमांड कहलाते हैं। कमान Ex:  Hubbard was relieved of command after anchoring PC-815 off the Coronado Islands उ:   उस कमान में मुँह करके तोफ रखी गई है। कम्मान Ex:  Ali Aaltonen found himself rapidly replaced in command by Eero Haapalainen क़ाबू पाना Ex:  His command was reduced in mid-August काबू Ex:  A Commonwealth army under the command of Hetman Stanisław Żółkiewski उ:   उस पर किसी भी तरह काबू ना पाया जा सका। कुलराज्य Ex:  Under command of Pyrrhias कोदंड Ex:  Roosevelt was promoted to Colonel and given command of the Regiment. गह Ex:  Cologne was under the command of Generalleutnant Freiherr Roeder von Diersburg जिहान Ex:  On May 10, Spanish forces at Fort San Cristóbal under the command of Capt. ठकुराइति, ठकुराइती Ex:  Sheaffe arrived at the battle scene and took command of the British forces. तसीलना Ex:  Canaris was a leader of the German high command resistance to Hitler दंडभंग Ex:  It was at this point Spruance gave his second crucial command दंतपालि Ex:  He ended the war with an independent command दर्शाना Ex:  Ewing was placed in command of the occupation forces in Louisville, Kentucky. दस्ता Ex:  Mongol armies expanded westward under the command of Batu Khan. धर्मकील Ex:  Spanish, and Papal army under the overall command of Prospero Colonna. नाथत्व Ex:  The overall command of the Swiss assault was given to Anne de Montmorency. नियंट्रण करना Ex:  Percival was appointed to command the 2nd Battalion नियंट्रण में रखना Ex:  Given command of the 44th Infantry Division नियंट्रण रखना Ex:  Percival held his final command conference at 9 a. नियंट्रण Ex:  In 409 and 408, Thrasybulus remained in command नियंट्रणअना Ex:  1780, the British attacked soldiers under the command of Nathanael Greene. निरिक्षण Ex:  Teleutias took command at Cnidus and commenced operations against Rhodes. उ:   तदपश्चात आप सरायपाली आ गये सुखा राहत कार्य का निरिक्षण करने। पतिव्य Ex:  The Spartan fleet sailed east to Rhodes under the command of Antalcidas परिगम Ex:  The Spartans then sent Teleutias to Aegina to command the fleet there. पहरा Ex:  The 2nd Cossack Division under command of Colonel Hans-Joachim von Schultz उ:   द्वार पर पहरा देने वाले पहरेदार राक्षस सभी मूर्च्छित हो गए। पाना Ex:  Each theme was placed under the command of a strategos or military governor. उ:   इस सबके कारण दूर तक देख पाना कठिन था। पुहरा Ex:  Thebes was to command solely on land and jointly at sea पोहरा Ex:  Carrington arrived to take overall command along with his Chief of Staff पौहरा Ex:  Alexander personally took command of the shield-bearing guards प्रभत ‡ Ex:  He was assigned to command the Department of the Cumberland in Louisville प्रभुत Ex:  He was replaced in his command by Don Carlos Buell and transferred to St. प्रभुत्त Ex:  Halleck offered several officers, including Sherman, command of Grant's army. प्रभुत्व Ex:  Sherman served briefly as his replacement in command of the District of Cairo. उ:   यहां लगभग २००० वर्ष तक हिन्दू सभ्यता का प्रभुत्व रहा। प्रशिष्टि Ex:  Now the commander needed only to command the tank प्रशिष्टि Ex:  Now the commander needed only to command the tank प्रशिस् Ex:  Following World War II the zampolit lost all command authority प्राप्त करना Ex:  Washington was given a difficult frontier command in the Virginia mountains प्राभवत्य Ex:  Washington assumed command of the Continental Army in the field at Cambridge फर्मा Ex:  Lawrence fought with Arab irregular troops under the command of Emir Faisal फहमाइस Ex:  Under the command of John Moore बादशाहत Ex:  Bayezid and Selim, were given command in different parts of the empire. बुध्न Ex:  Bonaparte took command of the French "Army of Italy" on 27 March 1796 भ्रष्टाधिकार Ex:  Leaving Buller in command in Natal महित्व Ex:  The attacking Soviet units under the command of Gen. महिन Ex:  After an initial military education under the command of his uncle मुट्ठा Ex:  Napoleon himself took command and defeated the Spanish army मैनडेट Ex:  The Finnish Defence Forces are under the command of the Chief of Defence यशद Ex:  Buckley was well known for his command of language. रजी Ex:  Rachmaninoff had great command of counterpoint and fugal writing. राज्यधर Ex:  Ordinarily each of the two Consuls would command their own portion of the army लाति Ex:  "The Emperor has the supreme command of the Army and the Navy". लाधनापु Ex:  Kirk was given command of the USS ''Enterprise''-A लेना Ex:  The next coalition targets were command and communication facilities. उ:   वह वकाशुर के मारे जाने का बदला लेना चाहता था। वयुन Ex:  Initially, the French operated independently under national command and control वयुन Ex:  Initially, the French operated independently under national command and control विचेष्टित Ex:  Despite transferring overall command to the U.S. Navy in 2006 विनिमेष, विनिमेषण Ex:  There, they spend six months learning to command a rifle platoon. विराज्य़ Ex:  The German high command classified Marines as stormtrooper quality . वैशस्त्र Ex:  In 1917, Russian Grand Duke Nicholas assumed command of the Caucasus front. वैशस्त्र Ex:  In 1917, Russian Grand Duke Nicholas assumed command of the Caucasus front. शरावाप Ex:  The Japanese command therefore put Shō-Gō 2 into action शार्ङ्ग Ex:  5 cruisers and 14 destroyers under the command of Vice Admiral Willis A. Lee. शासन Ex:  Caesar had four legions under his command उ:   शासन एवं सत्ता सरकार के हाथ में होती है। शासनकर्ता Ex:  A command Express शास्त्रि Ex:  Aspire to a job, to dignity, the command शास्त्रि Ex:  Aspire to a job, to dignity, the command शास्त्रि Ex:  Aspire to a job, to dignity, the command श्रयना Ex:  Chef, automatically or absolutely Chef Cook means the principal that others under his command संकार ‡ Ex:  Chief of Staff, Senior Officer who is the head of staff at various levels of command संकेत Ex:  command Everyone in this house: it is the king's court Petaud उ:   यह कोई आध्‍यात्मि‍क संकेत था। संकेतग्रह, संकेतग्रहण Ex:  Declaration command समादेश Ex:  Forward, march, or simply Forward, military command Term उ:   समादेश स्वीकारात्मक भी हो सकती है और निषेधात्मक भी। समासादन Ex:  Having command of a Instead, a military territory साति Ex:  Having command over someone सामान्यविधि Ex:  Having something to his command authority to use his will स्वता Ex:  He did not hear the command स्वत्व Ex:  He did that by your command स्वल्पव्यक्ति तंत्र Ex:  He got a start command स्वामिभाव Ex:  He has the command of the troops, a company, a squadron of a building हंडल Ex:  In military terms, Security Service, service to provide information to the enemy command हड़गीला Ex:  In second place, under command हरामखोरी Ex:  In the army, for the same grade, Oldest command हस्तसंज्ञा Ex:  It also means authority, power to command हुकम Ex:  It also means the Domestic Worker to command a team हुकम्म Ex:  It also said a military leader who possesses the necessary qualities for command हुकम्म Ex:  It also said a military leader who possesses the necessary qualities for command हुक्म देना Ex:  It happened in command
As verb : शासन करना Ex:  Steiner's command became known as "Army Detachment Steiner" .
As transitive verb : माँगना
Other : आज्ञा देना Ex:  Sir Arthur Wellesley, arrived to command the British forces. आयस Ex:  On Cortés's return, he found the Aztec army’s chain of command in ruins. ऊंचेपर होना Ex:  Now she's in command of me". कमाण्ड Ex:  Under the command of Sir John Jervis उ:   बुन्देलखण्ड - उ.प्र. - में १२ लाख हेक्टेयर क्षेत्र को कमाण्ड करती है। का अधिकारी होना Ex:  O'Connor remained in command of VIII Corps काबू पाना Ex:  It presents itself as a simple command line interface. नियन्त्रित करना Ex:  In addition, a regional command center was built in New Jersey. माँग करना Ex:  He fought under the command of General Jeffery वश में रखना Ex:  Joseph Hooker was given the command वश या शक्ति Ex:  Gaston de Foix, to command the French forces in Italy. समादेश देना Ex:  First military officer of the Crown, which had the general command of the armed समादेशन Ex:  Fraction of a company or a squadron under the command of a corporal or a sergeant स‌ंबल Ex:  He left the army and gave command of the troops to such हुक्म Ex:  It has none of the qualities to command उ:   एक भी सत्तारूढ़ को हुक्म कहा जाता है।
Command ki paribhasha : kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar usapar doosare ka svatv sthaapit karana kisi aujaar aadi ka vah hissa jo haath se pakad jaata hai badon ka chhoton ko kisi kaam ke liye kahana kisi vastu ya vyakti ke aas paas ek ya adhik aadamiyon ka yah dekhate rahane ke liye baithana athava baithaaya jaana ki vah nirdisht sthaan se hatane va bhaagane na paave jyotish shaastr men grahon ka phal vyaapaar ka udyam se dhan upaarjan karanaa, kaamakaaj karake rupaya pauda karana doosare ke haath se apane haath men karana kisi se yah kahana ki tum amuk padaarth mujhe do akhitayaar jaisa—yah puchhane ka adhikaar tumhen nahin hai shabd jise paane ka hak ho
Usage of Command in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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