Commander meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Commander
As noun : अगमानी Ex:  The commander asked for an inquisition on the conduct of the soldier.
अगोई Ex:  A message in cryptography was sent to the commander आज्ञा देनेवाला Ex:  The soldiers paraded by the commander in chief . आधिपौतिक Ex:  General Ferdinand Foch was appointed commander of all Allied forces in France. कमांडर Ex:  The 27th Army was led by a commander related to Yang Shangkun. उ:   उनके पिता सोवियत सैन्य कमांडर थे। कमाण्डर Ex:  Petersburg was Cornelis Cruys, commander of the Baltic Fleet. उ:   ये कैरावाका के कमाण्डर थे। चक्रगोप्ता Ex:  Charles was Austria's best field commander चक्रगोसा Ex:  Karl Mack became the new main commander in Austria's army चक्रपाल Ex:  Hasdrubal became Carthaginian commander in Iberia in 229 BC चमूचर Ex:  Kondo acted as the overall commander of the three forces. जंडैल Ex:  At the beginning of 1864, Lincoln made Grant commander of all Union armies. ठाकर Ex:  Grant finally found a commander तरस्वी Ex:  1899the Battalion's commander दंडनायक Ex:  As submarine commander of the USS Balao उ:   दंडनायक प्राचीन भारतीय शासनयंत्र का एक अधिकारी था। दंडमुख Ex:  The Soviet front commander दलवाल Ex:  Adams was forced to name Washington as commander of the new army नाइक Ex:  The last commander of the Red Guards was Kullervo Manner नायक Ex:  Montgomery suggested that O'Connor be his successor as Eighth Army commander उ:   वह नायक के सभी गुणों से सम्पन्न है। पीठकेलि Ex:  On 21 January 1944 O'Connor became commander of VIII Corps. पुरुषनाथ Ex:  Attalus and the Roman commander went to Heraclea to meet with the Aetolians फउदार Ex:  Hamza became the nominal commander of the army. बक्षी Ex:  Australia's military commander during World War II बलमुख्य Ex:  Polish commander of one Jewish unit बलाधिकृत Ex:  The commander of the Allied Forces, Gen. भर्त्ता Ex:  For a short period in May 1918, he acted as commander of the 54th Brigade. यूथपति Ex:  2007 David Petraeus was made commander of Multi-National Force - Iraq यूथप् Ex:  Al-Qaeda commander Seif al-Adl gloated about the war in Iraq राजपुत्र Ex:  Władysław Anders, commander of the 2nd Polish Corps वरूथप Ex:  This led the German commander वरूथाधिप Ex:  In January 1916 the French commander वस्तुपुरुष Ex:  The President of India is the supreme commander of the Indian armed forces. वोढा Ex:  Henry W. Halleck, commander of the Department of the Missouri. शिरस्थ Ex:  Dornberger became the military commander at Peenemünde संचारयिता Ex:  The commander of the Polish 3rd Army in Ukraine समादेशक Ex:  The overall commander of the Allied Naval Expeditionary Force समादेष्टा Ex:  When Jalisco federal commander General Jesús Ferreira moved on the rebels सरताज Ex:  Paulus would have been the highest ranking German commander to be captured सिपहसालार Ex:  Suharto was appointed commander of Kostrad उ:   उसे एक क़ाबिल और सहासी सिपहसालार माना जाता है। सूरसावंत, सूरसाँवत Ex:  " The two pilots explained what they had done, and the commander thanked them. सेना का अफसर Ex:  The French naval commander Comte D'Estrées visited in 1680 सेना का अफ़सर Ex:  So he appealed to his commander सेनाग्रग Ex:  He was the commander of the armed forces सेनाधिनाथ Ex:  The Russian commander from 1915 to 1916 सेनापति Ex:  Aleksandr Mikhaylovich Vasilevsky was a Soviet military commander उ:   सेनापति भारत के मणिपुर प्रान्त का एक शहर है। सेनाप्रणेता Ex:  He also negotiated the surrender of the Königsberg garrison with its commander सेनाभिगोप्ता Ex:  Zhukov described Vasilevsky as an able commander सैनेश Ex:  Thereby Hitler also became supreme commander of the military सैन्यनायक Ex:  The garrison commander of the besieged "fortress Breslau" सैन्यपति Ex:  Army Staff or General Staff, Set of all staff and all services gathered around the commander of an army to form the organs necessary to the exercise of its function सैन्यपाल Ex:  Borner the powers of a sent an ambassador, a commander
Other : आज्ञापक Ex:  He telegraphed the 88th's divisional commander Sun Yuanliang सेनाध्यक्ष Ex:  American Expeditionary Force commander
Commander ki paribhasha : phauj ka vah aphasar jo lephtinent ke oopar aur kaptaan ke maanahat hota hai hindi ke ek prasiddh kavi ka naam janata ko kisi or pravratt karane ka adhikaar ya prabhaav rakhanevaala purush
Commander synonyms
administrator ruler head director chief officer captain don guru exec boss skipper mastermind czar big cheese top banana commandant kingfish kingpin head honcho head person high priest/priestess higher up lead-off person point person top brass top dog
Commander antonyms
employee worker follower
Usage of Commander in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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