Comment meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Comment
As noun : अवचूटिका Ex:  he wrote an extended comment on the proposal
आलोचना Ex:  an unenlightening comment उ:   नाटक और आलोचना का जन्म आगे चलकर हुआ। उपकथन Ex:  Your comment threw me off . टिन्नाफिस्स Ex:  Bernstein's comment was टिप्पणी Ex:  Seizing on the director's additional comment उ:   स्मरण-पत्र आपने इस टिप्पणी को शीर्षक नहीं दिया है। टिप्पणीई Ex:  The New Republic article claims that this comment टीका करना Ex:  The White House declined to comment on military aspects of the launch टीका टिप्पणी Ex:  Later he would comment that he "lost Vivien" in Australia. टीका टिप्प्णी करना Ex:  Regarding the pope's comment टीका टिप्प्णी Ex:  At first the case attracted little public comment तबसरा Ex:  The unexpected result was subject to a great deal of analysis and comment पदभंजिका Ex:  He did manage to comment substantially on contemporary politics भाष्य Ex:  The "Text and Commentary" concludes with a comment on Haim Weizman's October 6 उ:   उनका शोधपत्र उपनिषद भाष्य पर था। मत प्रकट करना Ex:  Ample comment समालोचना Ex:  as a result of this chapter we put a comment Explanatory
As verb : टीका टिप्पणी करना Ex:  Richard Nixon did not publicly comment about it.
Other : आलोचना करना Ex:  There is no need to comment upon this event . कहना Ex:  I don't have to answer this and I will make no comment about that. उ:   कहना न होगा कि इस कार्य में उन्होंने संक्षिप्त नोट से भरपूर मदद ली। टिप्पणी करना Ex:  Watterson often used the strip to comment on American culture and society.
Comment ki paribhasha : kisi vaakya, pad ya grnth ka arth spasht karanevaala vaaky ya grnth kisi padaarth ke doshon aur gunon ko achchhi tarah dekhana gale men pahanane ka sone ka ek gahana jo thappedaar ya jadaou banata hai saty ka aadhaarabhoot ya maulik roop sootragrnthon ka vistrat vivaran ya vyaakhya kisi vastu ke gun dosh ka vichaar kisi vaaky ya prasng ka arth soochit karanevaala vivaran
Comment synonyms
criticism remark observation discussion note mention report commentary judgment review animadversion backtalk dictum hearsay footnote mouthful elucidation gloss illustration exposition editorial crack comeback wisecrack annotation buzz input obiter two cents' worth disclose assert notice criticize expound clarify conclude explain express observe reflect point out affirm elucidate interpose pronounce annotate interject explicate construe opine interpret illustrate bring out commentate animadvert pass on touch upon
Comment antonyms
silence heedlessness quiet ignorance neglect ignore mystify obscure hide refrain miss overlook confuse keep quiet
Usage of Comment in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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