Commonly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Commonly
As adverb : अक्सर Ex:  Matches are most commonly used as fire lighters. उ:   ये अक्सर गुरु के घर या किसी मठ में होते थें।
आम तौर से Ex:  Ibex are commonly found in Alps mountains. औसतन् Ex:  Puffin is commonly found on North Atlantic. घटिया तौर पर Ex:  Motor cycles are commonly used in India. बहुत करके Ex:  Vertebrates commonly harvested included macropods साधारणतः Ex:  The commonly used types of insulin are: Unlike many medicines उ:   साधारणतः फल का निर्माण फूल के द्वारा होता है। सामान्यतः Ex:  This is commonly known as a blindside. उ:   जिसे सामान्यतः कुर्थी भी कहा जाता है।
Commonly synonyms
regularly frequently generally ordinarily more often than not as a rule by ordinary
Commonly antonyms
infrequently rarely seldom uncommonly unusually
Usage of Commonly in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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