Communique meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Communique
As noun : अधिकारिक निवेदिका Ex:  The ministry has issued a communique about the meeting.
अधिकारिक प्रकटन विग्यपति विज्ञप्ति उ:   नवंबर २००९ तक, मासिक विज्ञप्ति रहे है। सरकारी विज्ञप्ति सरकारी सूचना सूचनापत्र
Communique ki paribhasha : jatalaane ya soochit karane ki kriya
Communique synonyms
disclosure notice advertisement revelation prediction broadcast briefing publication advice reporting dissemination recitation broadcasting exposition intimation narration expression publishing divulgence communiquã© exposing handout account scoop flash list break program item calendar skinny news flash hot wire the dope what's going down what's happening intelligence information conversation tidings excerpt warning prophecy directive note speech poop publicity converse declaration translation missive goods language work summary utterance prã©cis ideas pipeline hot story inside story lowdown instruction document letter piece memo memorandum epistle paper earful cannonball data rumor hearsay telegram telecast scandal recognition knowledge leak specification enlightenment discovery description telling copy cable recital cognizance exposã© headlines itemization particularization eye-opener front-page news the goods proclamation advisory alert picture detail record article opinion address relation digest rundown version pronouncement outline chronicle tale narrative history rã©sumã© write-up blow by blow comment remark explanation affidavit charge allegation testimony presentation assurance dictum ejaculation profession manifesto asseveration acknowledgment make aside avowal articulation averment vocalization affirmation observation mention protestation verbalization voice blow-by-blow abcs ventilation presentment saying talk byword rumble introduction scuttlebutt adage discourse gossip proverb saw press release media release press statement annunciation coverage
Communique antonyms
secret concealment suppression quiet ignorance silence question cover withholding speech retention slowing heedlessness neglect truth history request listening breach break whole
Usage of Communique in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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