Commutable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Commutable
As adjective :
आवागमन करने योग्य एकरशिदेय न्यादेश्य लध्वादेश्य विनमेय विनिमेय (ता विनिमेय उ:   निम्नलिखित मुद्राएँ विनिमेय दर पर पाउंड स्टर्लिंग के बराबर हैं। स‌ंराशिदेय
Other : आदेश्य Ex:  commutable penalty निमेय
Commutable synonyms
compatible synonymous converse convertible correspondent equivalent mutual reciprocal same reciprocative fungible interconvertible substitutable workalike complementary correlative replaceable returnable substitutive transmutable
Commutable antonyms
dissimilar different
Usage of Commutable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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