Company meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Company
As noun : अतिथि Ex:  They extorted money from the executive by threatening to reveal his past to the company boss उ:   अतिथि का अर्थ होता है पाहुन।
अभ्युषित Ex:  His perquisites includes the use of company house. आसग Ex:  The company has gone into liquidation. इकाई Ex:  The laws of the company are unalterable. उ:   मिनट समय की एक इकाई है। उद्योग Ex:  Employers of a company उ:   स्पेन में उद्योग का तेजी से विकास हो रहा है। कंपनी Ex:  The company does transactions in cash. उ:   [४ ९] कंपनी को "अपमानजनक एकाधिकार" कहना। कम्पनी Ex:  Wipro company is a trend-setter for computers. उ:   कम्पनी बाग के अन्दर एक पब्लिक लाइब्रेरी स्थिय है। किसलय Ex:  Can the company reimburse me for my professional travel? खैल Ex:  The company has been liquidated. गल्ला Ex:  The company declared the tranche of the new share. गवहियाँ Ex:  I am getting out of the company now. गिरोही Ex:  He ran the company unproductively. गुरण Ex:  The company places and removes many labourers a year. गूरण Ex:  Our company relocated to the Midwest गोरण Ex:  He behaves like an old fogy when in company of youngsters. गोष्टि Ex:  A Japanese company has manufactured an all-purpose vehicle. गोसट Ex:  The company paid the travel allowance. जनसमूह Ex:  selling the company caused an earthquake among the employees उ:   इस द्वीप पर फ़्रांसीसी और अफ़्रीकी दोनो जनसमूह रहते थे। जमीयत Ex:  His company has agencies all over the world. जम्हूर Ex:  Our company is a collaborator of a US based company. जायंट Ex:  She was compensated by the insurance company for her injuries. टुकडी़ Ex:  This desk belongs to the company . टोलिया Ex:  Carl bought out the owners of the company . टोली Ex:  The company exported alcohol to Brazil . उ:   वंदना सिमडेगा जिले की गरजा पहाड़ टोली गांव की रहने वाली हैं। दल Ex:  The company leases cars out to its customers . उ:   इस दल का युवा संगठन 'आल इंडिया यूथ फेडरेशन' है। दौड़धूप Ex:  The company is transferring me again . परिगृहीता Ex:  A Connecticut-based company called Biodel, Inc. पुरुषकार Ex:  Australian biopharmaceutical company प्रघूर्ण Ex:  The company employs over 60 people प्राघूण Ex:  In 1986, he said the company was "total disarray. प्राघूणिक Ex:  Aubrey announced the company was in merger talks with Twentieth Century Fox प्राहुण, प्राहुणक Ex:  When the Moscow State Circus company began international tours in the 1950's Ex:  The company was later bought by GTE . भीड़भाड़ Ex:  Aristide & Co Antiquaire De Marques, by a new company based in Nottingham. उ:   अन्‍य समुद्रों की तरह यहाँ काफी भीड़भाड़ नहीं होती है। मंडली Ex:  Through her production company उ:   दस-बारह बरस की उम्र में साधु मंडली के साथ अयोध्या, काशी, प्रयाग घूमे। मण्डली Ex:  The largest company in the islands used to be the Falkland Islands Company मिट्र Ex:  By 2004 the company was named Verizon Dominicana मिलनेवाला Ex:  The Royal Lyceum Theatre has its own company मेहमान Ex:  Acorn Computers was a British computer company established in Cambridge उ:   मेहमान बार में पेय का आनंद ले सकते हैं। राण Ex:  In Taylor's final year in the NFL he started a company called All-Pro Products. रासमंडली Ex:  , a “gaming” company offers “gambling” activities to the public. रोजागार Ex:  Each company has donated two million dollars. लेँहड़ा Ex:  Nigeria-based company विचेष्टित Ex:  Spain, by the Authi company from 1968 onwards, mostly under the Morris name. व्यापृति Ex:  He enjoyed the company of the philosophers Protagoras व्रज्य़ा Ex:  Khodorkovsky is jailed in Russia and has lost his YUKOS company व्राजपति Ex:  The new company runs all non-editorial operations of both papers शिराकती Ex:  Shortly afterwards, Monahan started a production company on the Warner Bros. सँघात Ex:  The Long Play was nurtured at Mick Jagger's production company Jagged Films. संगत Ex:  The Beatles' partnership was replaced in 1968 by a jointly-held company उ:   स्त्री के लिए संगत पद सम्राज्ञी था। संगति Ex:  Rio is a brazilian energy company headquartered in Rio de Janeiro. उ:   अनुवाद प्रक्रिया में अनुवादक के व्यक्तित्व की संगति इस सोपान पर है । संधक Ex:  His company filmed the electrocution. संप्रयुक्तक Ex:  The main investors in this company were Belgian industrialists. सजु Ex:  California, and the company has 16,805 full-time employees . सत्रा Ex:  1997, and the company was incorporated as Google Inc. सध्रीचीन Ex:  Finance company Washington Mutual was founded in 1889 सन्नहन Ex:  France, under the new company name Maison Pernod Fils. सब्रह्मचारी Ex:  It appears that at least one company समभिव्याहार Ex:  The company considered locations in about 50 cities समित् Ex:  J. K. Starley's company became the Rover Cycle Company Ltd. समुढ़ Ex:  Abacha died while in the company of two prostitutes. समोहा Ex:  Nike is the only Fortune 500 company headquartered in the state. सम्मोदिक Ex:  Medford is also home to the national headquarters of the Fortune 1000 company सम्यक्वृत्त Ex:  When the company was acquired by Novell सरीस Ex:  In 1996 the company renamed itself to Pervasive Software सहचरित Ex:  SQL. In 1997, the company went public. सहयोगी Ex:  Mexico made impressive investments in the state-owned oil company उ:   इसमें उसकी सेना में एक अच्छा भाग फारसी सहयोगी ताहमस्प प्रथम का रहा। सहस्थ, सहस्थित Ex:  Pemex is the largest company in Latin America साँमजि Ex:  The main company is Transtejo सांगत्य Ex:  Porto Brandão and Trafaria and the other company is Soflusa सांहत्य Ex:  Yannias assumed the role of CEO in the new company साथ कर लेना Ex:  The company was administered by James' own company Dick James Music. साथ देना Ex:  He said that the company of dogs साथ Ex:  The Anchorage Opera is currently the state's only professional opera company उ:   इसके साथ ही ग्लेन नामक स्थल भी है। साथी होना Ex:  The company sent cease-and-desist letters to Nintendo's licensees साथी Ex:  "if you're part of a record company उ:   सक्रिय साथी उनके पैरों के बीच उनके सामने होता है। साधुति Ex:  Delrina was a Canadian software company based in Toronto साह्य Ex:  While the electronic forms products launched the company साह्यकृत् Ex:  The company created a product called TalkWorks सैसंगी Ex:  The second-largest privately owned U.S. company सोसाइटी, सोसायटी Ex:  His first film for the company सौँ Ex:  Shakur founded a movie development company called Euphanasia. स्त्यायन Ex:  Members of the company later recalled several quarrels between the couple हमअसर Ex:  Health insurance is handled by private insurers and a government-run company . हमजोली Ex:  The first company of the every regiment's first escadron हवाली मवाली Ex:  Each company numbered around 120 men. हस्तियूथ Ex:  Newly formed battalions did not have a Grenadier company हेलमेल Ex:  Each company numbered around 120 men.
Other : कचहरी Ex:  This is the flagship company in the group. संग Ex:  Australia's largest oil company उ:   इनके अकबर के संग किस्से आज भी कहे जाते हैं। समवाय Ex:  In 2002,Powergen was bought by the German company E.ON. Finally उ:   समवाय को स्थायी उत्तराधिकार प्राप्त है। साहचर्य Ex:  The company was founded in 1988 by Zimbabwean expatriate Bert Amato उ:   यहां तक कि सहकारिता के पर्याय साहचर्य का शब्द का उदय भी हो चुका था। सुहबत Ex:  Parts of the company were subsequently sold off सोहबत Ex:  He joined the orchestra of an opera company
Company ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka saaanp kisi vishay ka gyaan praapt karane ke liye baar baar prashn karane ki kriya veshyaaon ya bhaaandon aadi ke saath rahakar saarngi, tabalaa, manjira aadi bajaane ka kaam vyaapaariyon ka vah samooh jo apane snyukt dhan se niyamaanusaar vyaapaar karata ho ghar men aaya hua agyaatapoorv vyakti ek jaati ka baaans jo poorviy himaalaya, sikkim aur aasaam ki or hota hai kisi vastu ke un do sam khndon men se eka, jo ek doosare se svabhaavataः jude hue hon par jara sa dabaab padne se alag ho jaayan vah jo kisi ke saath milakar koi kaam karata ho ek snbndhasoochak avyay jisase praayaः sahachaar ka bodh hota hai
Company synonyms
group club community team party association gathering set corps gang mob zoo horde cortege retinue crew ruck concourse convention circle ensemble troop body assembly coterie aggregation collection outfit band congregation clique troupe turnout clan league throng muster jungle order assemblage pack firm corporation enterprise house partnership syndicate establishment multinational megacorp society companionship presence visitor boarder caller
Company antonyms
individual unemployment host
Usage of Company in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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