Comparable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Comparable
As noun : तूलनीय Ex:  It is comparable in size to Colombia.
As adjective :
तुलना के योग्य Ex:  The comparable structures of ferns are correctly referred to as fronds. तुलनीय Ex:  It is comparable in size to France उ:   उत्तरी अमेरिका में स्थिति तुलनीय है।
Other : उपमेय Ex:  Ge'ez uses a systems of ones and tens comparable to the Hebrew
Comparable synonyms
tantamount commensurate equal proportionate equivalent commensurable a match for as good as equipollent equipotential in a class with on a par akin analogous related agnate alike cognate consonant parallel relative uniform undifferenced
Comparable antonyms
incomparable unworthy dissimilar unlike different unequal unalike alien disconnected unrelated
Usage of Comparable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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