Comparative meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Comparative
As noun : अपेक्षाकृत Ex:  `faster is the comparative of the adjective `fast उ:   हिमालय अपेक्षाकृत नए निर्मित पर्वत हैं।
उत्तरावस्था Ex:  Religious traditions fall into super-groups in comparative religion उ:   उत्तरावस्था में उन्होंने संन्यास ले लिया था।
As adjective : तुलना सम्बन्धी Ex:  One can judge comparative density तुलनात्मक Ex:  His comparative studies उ:   पर, तुलनात्मक तौर पर कैपिटल लाभ अधिक लाभप्रद है।
Other : आपेक्षिक Ex:  He is studying comparative literature. उ:   इसका आपेक्षिक घनत्व ३.५१ होता है।
Comparative ki paribhasha : jisamen do vastuon ki samaanata dikhaayi jaay
Comparative synonyms
provisional like equivalent relative correlative approaching parallel contingent analogous comparable conditional connected corresponding matching metaphorical near qualified related restricted similar allusive by comparison contrastive in proportion not absolute not positive rivaling vying with reservation
Comparative antonyms
dissimilar unlike different unequal separate
Usage of Comparative in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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