Compare meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Compare
As noun : उपमाति Ex:  These rates compare with 113 per 100,000 in China and 64 per 100,000 in Brazil.
चीतारना Ex:  These figures generally compare with the national averages तमसील Ex:  The Magnificat in two versions and the Easter Oratorio compare to large तुलना Ex:  Analyze and compare उ:   पृथ्वी की तुलना में यह सौवें भाग से भी कम है। तुलनाआ Ex:  compare him तुलनात्मक बनाना Ex:  Compare several authors compare them पटंभर ‡ Ex:  Compare with a written original, or compare two written together, to see if they are identical बगनी ‡ Ex:  I do not dare complain, when I compare my lot with these unfortunate बर्नना Ex:  Keep you compare Lucan Virgil ब्रन्नना Ex:  Make the comparison, to compare one thing with another वरणना Ex:  There is this difference between such a thing and another, Here we notice the difference when one comes to compare such a thing with such other वर्णन करना Ex:  This piece of music does not compare with some other विचार विनिमय करना Ex:  To compare the assets and liabilities समभिव्याहार Ex:  We will compare the translation with the original समानता दिखाना Ex:  You can not compare this to any other animal समानता देखना Ex:  You have heard the reasons share and on the other, compare सरबरी Ex:  It is used in French to mean Who is particularly special, we can not compare to anything else सरवरि ‡
As verb : तुलना करना Ex:  There was just no reference point in the culture to compare it. सदृश करना Ex:  We are forced to be modest when you compare it with सादृश्य या साम्य रखना
Other : बराबर समझना Ex:  It is also transitive verb and it means two things compare to judge what they agree and how they differ बराबर होना Ex:  It means figuratively Confer one thing with another, consider two things at the same time to compare all
Compare ki paribhasha : ek padaarth men doosara padaarth dalana gaadhi ke pahiyon ko aungaana
Compare synonyms
correlate study equal measure analyze match consider scan segregate scrutinize touch divide ponder collate approach juxtapose separate inspect hang contemplate observe parallel confront bracket oppose rival weigh balance hold a candle to match up place in juxtaposition set against set side by side size up stack up against weigh against another link connect standardize vie assimilate resemble come up to identify with tie up allegorize approximate to be in the same class as be on a par with bear comparison bring near compete with distinguish between draw parallel make like notice similarities put alongside show correspondence stack up with
Compare antonyms
discard ignore disregard combine desegregate unite aid assist imbalance forget neglect leave gather join help support disconnect differ disagree
Usage of Compare in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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