Comparison meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Comparison
As noun : अनुरुपता Ex:  There is no comparison between these two books.
इल्तिबास Ex:  they made a comparison of noise levels उनहारि Ex:  What follows is a comparison between the Danish उपमाति Ex:  This social play has led to a striking comparison with mammalian play. तमसील Ex:  As a point of comparison तमसील Ex:  As a point of comparison तुलना Ex:  The estimates of the number of speakers range from 2000 to 5000. In comparison उ:   इस कारण से इसकी तुलना वेनिस से की जाती है। तुलनात्मक Ex:  In comparison with Tolstoy उ:   तुलनात्मक राजनीति का क्षेत्र विवादपूर्ण रहा है। पटंभर ‡ Ex:  In comparison with the rest of India पटंभर ‡ Ex:  In comparison with the rest of India पतिपक्ष Ex:  He also draws a comparison between Coke and Iong Cheng. बगनी ‡ Ex:  The current Hindu population in Liverpool is about 1147. In comparison सद्दशता Ex:  Another comparison has been between India and China. समसरि Ex:  Metered taxis are rare, in comparison to many other cities. समानता Ex:  See for comparison BEST उ:   इसलिए समुदाय में समानता पाया जाना सवाभाविक है। सरबरी Ex:  Accurate comparison सरवरि ‡ Ex:  Choose your best terms of comparison
Other : उत्प्रेक्षा Ex:  My work pales by comparison with yours . उपमा Ex:  A recent systematic comparison with Linear A is that of Torsten Timm, 2004 . उ:   ऐसा प्रतीत होता है, मानो वे उपमा और रूपक के माध्यम से ही बोल रहे हों। उपमान Ex:   In comparison to the Hatay dispute उ:   अर्थात उपमान को उपमेय पर आरोपित कर दिया जाता है। कक्षा Ex:  A similar comparison has been drawn among Go उ:   वे केवल चौथी कक्षा तक पढ़े थे। निसबत Ex:  Everest which in comparison stands at only 8.848 km. पटतर Ex:  A well-known comparison is that of Kenneth Kister मिलान Ex:  The success of the work bears comparison with his achievements in opera उ:   मिलान सदियों से प्रमुख कलात्मक केंद्र रहा है। स‌ंतोलन Ex:  comparison
Comparison ki paribhasha : kisi vastu, vyaapaar ya gun ko doosari vastu, vyaapaar ya gun ke samaan prakat karane ki kriya gaadhi ke pahiyon ko aungaana jisamen do vastuon ki samaanata dikhaayi jaay
Usage of Comparison in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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