Compatibility meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Compatibility
As noun : अनुकूलता Ex:  To permit backward compatibility
पसंदोदगी Ex:  Many believe in the compatibility of human minds with computer hardware मुआफिकत Ex:  There is no compatibility between these two functions राजी ‡ Ex:  It is a great mood compatibility between these two विफाक संगतता सहस्थिति सांमुख्य सानुकूल्य सुसंगति हृद्यत्व
Other : मिलाव Ex:  Also available are compatibility layers संगत संगति
Compatibility ki paribhasha : taatparyabodh ke liye vaaky ke tin gunon men se ek kisi vishay ka gyaan praapt karane ke liye baar baar prashn karane ki kriya
Compatibility synonyms
unity rapport empathy fit sympathy congeniality amity agreement congruity consonance agreeableness affinity single-mindedness like-mindedness
Compatibility antonyms
incompatibility discord dislike hatred disharmony disagreement
Usage of Compatibility in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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