Compel meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Compel
As noun : जबरदस्ती कराना Ex:  I do not pretend you compel
मजबूर Ex:  There is some reason that would compel it to उ:   खजूर, मजबूर मरीज को स्वस्थ्य करने में सहायक है।
As verb : जिच्च Ex:  I will not compel me to नाचार Ex:  If compel par- notary बल से कराना Ex:  If compel someone to बाध्य करना Ex:  It means figuratively Oblige to certain things, to compel certain duties; and in this sense it is commonly said legal Things बिबस ‡ Ex:  It would compel me to go home every day मजबूर करना Ex:  substantively, often to compel a person, it's been ten disgruntled लाचार कर देना Ex:  To compel the husband and wife लाचार करना Ex:  Who of the two kinds of force to compel following religion, according to law विवश करना Ex:  , You arracheriez him rather life, is said to mark the extreme reluctance of a person to do something thing and how much it would be difficult to compel विवश Ex:  There is some reason that would compel it to उ:   विवश होकर सू को आज्ञा माननी पड़ी। स‌ंबाधन करना स‌ंबाधित करना
Compel ki paribhasha : bojh ke niche laana jisamen koi chij niche ki or das jaay athava idhar udhar hat na sake
Compel synonyms
urge oblige necessitate impel constrain exact enforce bulldoze make drive coerce restrain squeeze hustle dragoon concuss crack down make necessary put the arm on put the chill on shotgun throw weight around turn on the heat
Compel antonyms
dissuade block delay deter hinder impede obstruct leave alone discourage halt stop check
Usage of Compel in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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