Compile meaning in hindi
As verb : इकट्ठा करना Ex:  Joseph Parnas in Lviv, who refused to compile a list, were shot.
इजमाल Ex:  Greek navigators continued to explore and compile data on the Red Sea. कंपाइल करना Ex:  Arts tool used to compile the locksmith, to round key rings and other relief items जमा करना परिसमहन फराहमी संकलन करना संकलिक करना संकलित करना संग्रह करना सन्यासन सैँतना सौँतनां संकलन करना
ExamplesCompile synonyms
cull amass organize edit glean gather collect compose arrange consolidate group muster abridge unite recapitulate concentrate collate congregate garner marshal collocate get together put together anthologize colligate bring together draw together heap up Compile antonyms
disperse scatter destroy disarrange disorder disorganize disassemble divide distribute separate spread Usage of Compile in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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