Complement meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Complement
As noun : उपबृंही Ex:  Private school programs are available to complement the public school system.
का पूरक होना Ex:  It is at this age that Emile finds a young woman to complement him. कोटा Ex:  The two fields complement each other उ:   जोधपुर, कोटा और बिकानेर इसके बाद में आते हैं। पुराव Ex:  Each gamete has just one complement of chromosomes पूरक होना Ex:  Absolute employment says about a Word or a name that is not accompanied by his usual complement or logical पूरक Ex:  and then the complement is accompanied by an adjective that expresses this state उ:   वे समान स्तर पर परस्पर पूरक शक्तियाँ हैं। पूर्ण कर देना Ex:  determinative complement वदर्धक, वर्धक Ex:  HOPE, infinitive and followed by another infinitive sometimes done as a complement preceded by the preposition विधेयार्थ Ex:  In terms of arithmetic, arithmetic complement of a number, the difference between this number and the unit followed by as many zeros that there the number of digits in समपूरक Ex:  In terms of grammar, he said the words or groups of words that are used to complement the concept or to determine the meaning of words to which they are attached, either directly or indirectly through prepositions सम्पूरक Ex:  In this book I give to Peter, this book is the direct complement of I give, and Peter the indirect object उ:   वेद के ये सम्पूरक हैं।
Other : जवाब Ex:  For an example with a complement good उ:   जवाब में विंडीज २२८ रनों पर सिमट गई थी। भर्ती Ex:  Geometry Sécante complement of an angle उ:   उसे अस्पताल में भर्ती कर लिया जाता है।
Complement ki paribhasha : vah chhoti nadi jo kisi badi nadi men milati ho praanaayaam vidhi ke tin bhaagon men se pahala bhaag jisamen shvaas ko naak se khinchate hue bhitar ki or le jaate hain vah nirdhaarit ansh jo kisi ko dene ya lene ke liye ho
Complement synonyms
accompaniment consummation rest supplement enhancement total completion capacity entirety totality quota augmentation aggregate remainder correlate addition correlative balance enrichment filler pendant makeweight finishing touch rounding-off integrate achieve perfect conclude crown accomplish consummate fulfill clinch round off top off
Complement antonyms
core decrease base part fraction commence begin introduce start fail neglect take away
Usage of Complement in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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