Completed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Completed
As noun : अभिनिष्पन्न Ex:  Ruchi completed the assignment easily.
उद्वस Ex:  He completed the work deftly. ओवर Ex:  A shoe is not completed with out a sole. उ:   तीन ओवर में ही तीन विकेट का पतन हो गया। खतमाना Ex:  The Requiem was compiled and completed गैताल Ex:  The electrically-powered Gymnote completed 2,000 dives successfully. झँफान Ex:  Michelangelo never finished it, so his pupils later completed it. तै Ex:  After their work was completed निखूटनापु Ex:  After the Virginian Railway had been completed निझाना Ex:  Construction began in 1985 and the building was completed in 1989 निर्वृत Ex:  He completed the work of Black पर्यवसित Ex:  Located in Fort Tryon Park and completed in 1938 प्रहीण Ex:  A new Centre Block was completed in 1922 फोत Ex:  Wagner completed writing his third opera फ्ल्लाह Ex:  He had completed Lohengrin before the Dresden uprising सँपूरन Ex:  Calgary had 220 completed high-rise buildings समाप्त Ex:  Designed by Foster and Partners and completed in January 2001 उ:   शिक्षा समाप्त होने के बाद यह देशसेवा में लग गए।
As verb : अकृशलक्ष्मी Ex:  I have just completed my home work. आक्षद्यूतिक Ex:  The job has been completed in a meritorious fashion. ऐश्वर्यवान् Ex:  He completed the work skillfully. दौलतमंद Ex:  The project was completed on August 20 फारिग उल बाल Ex:  He also completed Rienzi and Der Fliegende Holländer during this time. वितत Ex:  Die Meistersinger was completed at Tribschen in 1867 विनिवृत्त Ex:  Wagner completed Parsifal in January 1882 शीलित Ex:  Wagner had completed the libretto for Parsifal by 1877 श्रीपाद Ex:  Under that condition, 30 percent of participants completed the experiment. संपद Ex:  An innings is completed if: Typically संपन्न Ex:  Additions were subsequently completed उ:   फिल्म संपन्न होती लेकिन वह बहस जारी रखते हैं। संपन्नक Ex:  The other rooms were completed in the 1660s by Ciro Ferri. संराद्ध Ex:  Roosevelt completed his undergraduate studies at Harvard सुविहित Ex:  This work, completed c. हैसियतदार Ex:  After the album was completed
As adjective : सम्पूरित Ex:  Recording on the album was completed by the end of 1996
Other : निवृत्त Ex:  Many other road projects will be completed within the next few years उ:   निवृत्त की गयी इन्द्रियों भटकने न देना उपरति है। परिसमाप्त Ex:  When these tasks were completed समापित Ex:  He completed Disquisitiones Arithmeticae
Completed ki paribhasha : bauddh shaastr ke anusaar maitraayani ke ek putr ka naam jisaka ansh ya vibhaag na kiya gaya ho athava jisake tukade ya vibhaag na hue hon
Completed synonyms
ended finished done built concluded
Usage of Completed in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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