Composition meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Composition
As noun : अँगौटी Ex:  their principles of composition characterized all their works
अंगढ़ग Ex:  This composition anticipates Impressionism अंगसंहति Ex:  harmonious composition is essential in a serious work of art अंतसंश्लेष Ex:  The ethnic composition of the songs of India. अक्षरन्यास Ex:  The fugue typifies Bachs style of composition अप्पय Ex:  there is nothing unthematic in this composition आर्टिकिल Ex:  Harmonious composition is essential in a serious work of art इलहाक Ex:  Lavoisier investigated the composition of water and air उपसंवाद Ex:  The country's ethnic composition was left almost homogeneous उरेहनापु Ex:  The most successful life forms change the composition of the air ऐंढ़ा Ex:  The composition took four years करारी Ex:  The song is an original composition किबो Ex:  In terms of the composition of the Parliament there would be little change कृति Ex:  Estimates of the percentages of French Guiana ethnic composition vary उ:   उनकी सबसे प्रसिद्ध कृति मधुशाला है। केनार Ex:  His first independent composition कोटेशन Ex:  There are disagreements regarding the proper composition of this pantheon. गड़न Ex:  They are found in the composition of the Tao Te Ching . गीत रचना Ex:  Each of these theories predicts a different surface composition गुंफ Ex:  Dafne by Jacopo Peri was the earliest composition considered opera चोरछिद्र Ex:  After graduating in 1892 he abandoned his dreams of composition . छोटी सी लेख Ex:  Mendeleev also investigated the composition of oil fields जूटि Ex:  Saturn is thought to be similar in composition to Jupiter ठटनि,ठटनी Ex:  This impact provided useful data on the composition of Jupiter's atmosphere. ठाटबाट Ex:  Markov chains are employed in algorithmic music composition डिजाइन Ex:  The exact molecular composition varies widely from formation to formation उ:   यह वेनेरा डिजाइन पर आधारित है। तनजीम Ex:  The date of composition is impossible to pinpoint. तमतडा़क Ex:  Defoe worked as a journalist during and after its composition निर्मिति Ex:  The composition of stone प्रवाच्य Ex:  1949 Time Magazine for his composition of the River Saga बननि Ex:  Note that the composition figures above are by volume-fraction बनावट Ex:  Athena and Poseidon appear at the center of the composition उ:   जो नगर की बनावट को घेरे हुये है। मिलावट Ex:  Chess composition is the art of creating chess problems . उ:   आभूषणों में मिलावट रोकने के लिए हॉलमार्किंग की व्यवस्था है। रचना Ex:  During the years of the composition of Leviathan he remained in or near Paris. उ:   विद्वानों ने इसे तुलसी की रचना घोषित किया है। लिखत Ex:  In the composition of work, one must work with and around this. लेख Ex:  Due to the circumstances of its composition उ:   यह लेख शहर के बारे में है। लेखन Ex:  The composition of milk differs widely between species. उ:   लेखन में यूनानी अक्षरों का उपयोग किया जाता है। वजेकता Ex:  As a result, the racial and ethnic composition of Caracas is diverse. वर्णदूत Ex:  Haydn had not received serious training in music theory and composition वर्षणि Ex:  He devoted more time to the composition of this novel than any of his others. वाक्यप्रबंध Ex:  The surface composition of the Sun consists of hydrogen विदृति Ex:  Control over the composition of the Cabinet had not विधानविधि Ex:  It is a very complex composition about 250 cm square. विनिर्मिति Ex:  It is probable that outer parts of the composition are missing. वींखा Ex:  The current composition of the House is: Asunción वृधसानु Ex:  When a final composition was achieved संघटक Ex:  Methods of composition vary widely from one composer to another उ:   मक्खन के मुख्य संघटक वसा, पानी और दूध प्रोटीन होते हैं। संघटन Ex:  Cai Lun invented the composition for paper along with the papermaking process. उ:   केरोसीन का संघटन एक सा नहीं होता। संघिदूषण Ex:  A result of these sessions was the composition of Piano Concerto No. संधि Ex:  Their composition was influenced by the works of other Elizabethan dramatists उ:   सभी राष्ट्रों ने एक संधि पत्र पर हस्ताक्षर किया। संयोजन Ex:  Its composition is similar to that of Ceres: high in carbon and silicon. उ:   ये रंगों का संयोजन इमारत को एक अलग आभा देता है। संरचना Ex:  IOK-1's age and composition have been more reliably established. उ:   इनकी जीवनविधि और संरचना इसी पर आश्रित हैं। सन्निवेश Ex:  The issue of musical composition is also highly variable. सब्त Ex:  It is roughly equivalent in function and composition to a business suit. समझाव, समझावा Ex:  As Nairobi has a diverse and multicultural composition समझौता Ex:  Another way of classifying volcanoes is by the composition of material erupted उ:   बेरीलैंड्स एंग्लो-सैक्सन मूल का एक समझौता है जो टेम्स के नजदीक है। सरजाना Ex:  Steiner wanted to write his own composition to replace it सर्जना Ex:  A full composition solecisms सांकेत्य Ex:  All the parts that go into the composition of the human body साख्तगी Ex:  Atomic or chemical notation, representation by signs or formulas of atoms of the group or the composition of the body साहित्यिक रचना Ex:  BEFORE preposition or adverb between prefix in the composition of a number of words साह्य Ex:  Bring to a composition सिरजन Ex:  Chemical composition सृजन Ex:  Combining music for the orchestra a musical composition उ:   इसका सृजन उन्होंने केवल सृजन करने की खातिर किया। सेँध Ex:  Coming composition सैंध Ex:  Complete a composition स्वरसंपद् Ex:  composition
Other : कलाम Ex:  These results show that w/w% composition of the salt निबटारा Ex:  The storm is believed to have been similar in composition to a hurricane बनाव Ex:  Today the "Bach style" continues to influence musical composition उ:   इस प्रकार बनाव बिगाड़ बराबर चलते रहते हैं। मिश्रण स‌ंधान Ex:  The ionic composition is similar to seawater मेल मिलावट Ex:  England proved that the chemical composition included hydrogen and chlorine. विरचन Ex:  From 1817 he studied composition with Carl Friedrich Zelter in Berlin. उ:   धातु विरचन के सभी उत्खनन स्थलों पर ये फ्लक्स प्राप्त हुए हैं। विरचना Ex:  The order of composition is: 1, 5, 4, 2, 3. The Symphony No. व्याकृति Ex:  Voyager 2 studied structure and chemical composition of the atmosphere सर्जन Ex:  A composition dropped उ:   यह प्रकृति का नियम सृष्टि के सर्जन से चल रहा है । स‌ंरचना Ex:  composition
Composition ki paribhasha : yajn ke liye honevaala pashuon ka bali- daan bikhari hui shaktiyon, logon ya ango aadi ko is prakaar milaakar ek karana ki unamen navin jivan ya bal aa jaay upakaranon ke dvaara kisi padaarth ka nirmaan aapas ka vah nipataara jisamen donon pakshon ko kuchh na kuchh dabana ya svaarthatyaag karana pade ve sab chitthiyaaan aur paarsal aadi jo dak se bheji jaayan vah sthaan jahaaan do chijen ek men milati hon anushtup jaati ka ek chhnda, jisamen bis bis aksharon ke chaar charan hote hai taratib ya kram se rakhana aupadh dvaara rasaadi sapt dhaatuon ya vaat aadi doshon ka shoshan karake patala karana
Usage of Composition in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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