Compound meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Compound
As noun : अँगन Ex:  he could determine uniquely the properties of the compound
अँजीर Ex:  an unanalyzed compound अगन Ex:  Amino acid is a compound from which protein is formed. अनुविद्ब Ex:  distill the essence of this compound अपटांतर Ex:  In our compound we have many ornamental scrub. अहाता Ex:  Nitrate is a chemical compound containing nitrogen. आँगन Ex:  The movie was compound of humour and pathoes. उ:   इस समय के घरों में कई कमरे, दालान तथा आँगन होते थे। इजमाली Ex:  an aromatic organic compound उपसंयत Ex:  He poisoned himself with the cleaning compound . उपसंहित Ex:  Compound helicopters and compound autogyros have been built एहाता Ex:  By 1624 he had perfected a compound microscope. कंपाउंड Ex:  The middle vein of a compound leaf or a frond क्षमा करना Ex:  Wycliff's Middle English compound split would क्षमावाना Ex:  The presidential palace and compound is in the Etoudi neighborhood. चक्रवृध्दि Ex:  Organic synthesis of a novel compound is a problem solving task चुकता करना Ex:  A siheyuan consists of a square housing compound चुकताना Ex:  Arafat was finally allowed to leave his compound on May 3 छनछेप Ex:  It is a compound of the two words ār, genitive of ā and ōss . जमा करना Ex:  To compound the problem जायंट Ex:  Every element or compound has its own unique spectroscopic signature जुड़ा हुआ होना Ex:  ' He gives the example of a compound glyph जुमिला Ex:  Suharto retired to a family compound in Central Jakarta दरगुजरना Ex:  Antoine Lavoisier described ethanol as a compound of carbon निपटाना Ex:  'dwarf planet' and 'minor planet' are best considered compound nouns. परभावित Ex:  The form usually appears in the compound lmlk. पेशगाह Ex:  This is shown diagrammatically, for an ionic compound . प्रतियूत Ex:  Identify the number of carbon atoms in the compound . प्रांगण Ex:  A compound of Chemistry hydrogen and simple body other than oxygen उ:   इस प्रांगण के बीच में एक अष्‍टकोणीय जलाशय है। फिरयाना Ex:  A compound of chemistry resulting from the combination of bromine with a simple मंदल Ex:  Chemistry compound that contains the largest amount of chlorine in it may contain state combination माफ़ करना Ex:  Chemistry gaseous compound carbon and hydrogen मिलवना Ex:  Chemistry oxygenated silicon compound मिलाना Ex:  Chemistry Transforming a simple body or compound by combining with oxygen मिश्रण Ex:  Cold, Lunch cold dishes compound उ:   अनेक रचनाओं में दोनों का मिश्रण भी हुआ करता है। मिश्रांगी Ex:  Drum Type compound of a metal half-globe on which is stretched a skin मिश्रित Ex:  Grammar Division of a compound word whose parts are separated by one or more words उ:   इन मिश्रित वनों में साल के पेड़ लगभग नहीं होते। मेरवना Ex:  He also said, speaking of things that go into any compound मेराना Ex:  Hobby, today contradict, the undersigned, are especially compound words मेलना Ex:  in compound forms, the auxiliary is to be यूनाइटेड Ex:  In terms of chemistry, compound ternary Corps resulting from the combination of three simple elements उ:   स्काटलैंड यूनाइटेड किंगडम का एक देश है। यौगिक पदार्थ Ex:  In terms of grammar, it is said of a verb, having lost its meaning clean, is Deputy past participle of another verb to form compound tenses यौगिक Ex:  In terms of Printing, The hunting character more than another, the compound words with this character occupy more space than if they were composed with such other उ:   दोनों ही यौगिक लवण कहलाते हैं। व्यतिकीर्ण Ex:  In this compound adjective, New is taken adverbially सँजुत Ex:  is also said sometimes in the singular: A compound संगूढ़ Ex:  It also serves to form compound tenses of some intransitive verbs and those of all reflexive verbs संघचारी Ex:  It does not say in Clef also writing stick and compound words संघजीवी Ex:  It is used to form a number of compound words, especially in the technical vocabulary of mathematics and natural sciences, which we only indicate the most used संधिकर्म Ex:  Particle derived from Latin, meaning four, and placed as a prefix before a large number of names or adjectives, combining to form compound words with them we do quote below the most common संपृक्त Ex:  PETIT also joins several names with which it forms compound words or phrases संप्रपन्न Ex:  Season is a simple name Rear-season is a compound name संयुक्त पदार्थ Ex:  Season is a single name Rear-season is a compound name संयुक्त शब्द Ex:  See these compound words to their alphabetical rank संयुक्त Ex:  The analysis of a compound word उ:   यह संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका की प्रमुख भाषा है। संयुक्तांगी Ex:  The insects have compound eyes सन्यासन Ex:  The word has not GRANDFATHER compound beyond those of grandfather and great grandfather; and when talking about the more distant degrees, they say Fourth grandfather, grandfather, fifth, etc समझौता करना Ex:  This preposition, when it is thus part of a compound word is written with a m, whenever it is followed by a b, a p or m समदाय Ex:  Ungroup a compound समस्त Ex:  We can rhyme with palm Apple, single with compound उ:   समस्त जगत जलकर नष्ट हो जाता है। समास Ex:  With prefix which means together and serves to form, in the special language of the law or business, a number of compound words उ:   समास क्रिया पदों में नहीं होता। समेधित Ex:  Drame compound on a sacred subject and to be executed, without sets or costumes in a religious solemnity in a concert or सांगोपांग Ex:  Préfixe Borrowed from the Greek, who trained every day and serves to form new compound words सामस्त Ex:  This drug is a compound of several ingredients सामासिक उ:   समास' के निर्मित शब्द सामासिक शब्द कहलाता है। सिम सुलह करना सौँतनां अँगना बढाना बनाना उ:   इस दौरान केंचुए वर्मीकम्पोस्ट बनाना शुरू कर देंगे।
As verb : मिल जाना Ex:  Chemistry least oxygenated compound of anyone that can form any substance, by combining with oxygen
Other : आंगन Ex:  Cyanide is a poisonous chemical compound उ:   आंगन में जो चित्रकारी की जाती है। बाड़ा Ex:  borrowed from the Greek prefix used to form very many compound words, by introducing the sense of opposition भुगतान करना Ex:  Botanical Rubiaceae common name of several plants or compound मिला हुआ Ex:  Chemistry Pass to the metal oxide state , sulfide or other metal-based compound मिश्रित करना Ex:  Fighting is a compound of Beat संयोजन करना Ex:  The past is a compound indefinite time : I saw, I did, I came, etc संयोजित Ex:  The water is a binary compound उ:   ईथर में दो कार्बन परमाणु एक ऑक्सिजन परमाणु द्वारा संयोजित रहते हैं। हाता उ:   ट्राइऐसिक कल्प का क्षेत्र यूरोप के अल्पाइन पर्वत से आरंभ हाता है।
Compound ki paribhasha : dal ya varg ke rup men rahanevaala ek padaarth men doosara padaarth dalana makaan ke bich ya saamen ka khula hua bhaag prakrati aur pratyay ke yog se bana hua shabd do ya adhik padaarthon ki ek men milaane ki kriya ghar ke bhitar ka vah chaukhoota sthaan jisake chaaron or kothariyaaan aur baraamad hon vyaakaran men do ya adhik shabdon ka snyog
Compound synonyms
commixture goulash amalgamation composite mishmash fusion medley conglomerate alloy compost stew admixture aggregate blend composition union synthesis soup combo commingle concoct couple associate coalesce unite amalgamate synthesize fuse link join intermingle bracket meld connect make up immix coagment aggravate magnify worsen intensify exacerbate add to multiply heighten confound confuse extend augment make complex make intricate
Compound antonyms
separation division disjoin disconnect better divide separate make easy unmix uncomplicate improve soothe decrease lessen weaken calm enlighten explain help clarify clear up
Usage of Compound in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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