Compulsory meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Compulsory
As adjective : अनिवार्य Ex:  Wearing plaits are compulsory in some schools. उ:   जन्तुओं तथा पौधों के लिए यह एक अनिवार्य तत्व है।
निष्परिहार्य Ex:  Ajateenistus is compulsory for men between 18 and 28 लाजिमा Ex:  Kindergartens are now compulsory for any child above 4 years of age. हठायात Ex:  Military Service is compulsory for men at the age of 18
Compulsory ki paribhasha : jisake bina kaam na chale
Compulsory synonyms
forced mandatory required obligatory imperative de rigueur imperious necessary requisite compulsatory
Compulsory antonyms
voluntary optional unnecessary inessential free liberated unstipulated liberalized
Usage of Compulsory in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi. 
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