Concept meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Concept
As noun : अन्यथाभाव Ex:  The concept of semantic analysis includes the meaning of words and sentences.
अन्ववेक्षा Ex:  Wwe uses a concept as burried alive. अवधारणा Ex:  The candidate reinvented the concept of national health care so that he would get elected उ:   दोनों ही एक ही अवधारणा के लिए खड़े हैं। अववोधक Ex:  The concept of probability was established in early 90s. अवीक्षण Ex:  Please draw out the concept on paper . इंदिया Ex:  Heidegger also summarizes this concept as the abandonment of being. उड़ियाँना Ex:  Smuts pioneered the concept of holism कल्पित विषय Ex:  Bobson provided a concept of short comics with the same style of the show चित्तविकार Ex:  NASA planned to use the C-3 as part of the Earth Orbit Rendezvous concept जजबात Ex:  The concept of correlation is particularly noteworthy. तर्कणा Ex:  Compare the real-estate sales concept of "indoor-outdoor flow". धारणा Ex:  This scientific concept उ:   ऐसी धारणा अरस्तू के समय से ही चली आ रही थी। ध्या Ex:  Allegedly, Lee's concept was retooled and renamed Kung Fu ध्यात्व Ex:  An initial concept design called the City of Light Development परिकल्पना Ex:  The concept of fandom began with sports fans. उ:   इसी परिकल्पना के तहत मृत देह की विधिवत क्रिया होती है। प्रत्यय Ex:  To this, Peirce added the concept of abductive reasoning. उ:   वह हमारी आत्मा में प्रत्यय उत्पन्न करता है। प्रास्तुत्य Ex:  "Satchidananda Brahma" underlines this concept बीचार Ex:  If we work with the concept of a two-word infinitive भावगति Ex:  Another important concept in Hippocratic medicine was that of a crisis भावलिंग Ex:  The concept of a "champion county" arose in the 1820s and then रूढ़ि Ex:  After this concept was made public in 1960 लाहीक Ex:  It is generally accepted that the concept was created by Petrarch in the 1330s. वचार Ex:  Its policy emphasizes the concept of an Iberoamerican community विचार Ex:  Another example concerns a well-known concept in cycling races उ:   ये सभी विचार साम्यवाद की कोटि में आते हैं। श्रद्धादेय Ex:  The concept came to be called the "Trinity" in later years. संकल्पना Ex:  This concept refers for its basis to उ:   यह एंट्रापी की संकल्पना है। संप्रधान Ex:  Under the concept of fusionism स्वमनीषा Ex:  This concept is mirrored in other cultures स‌ंकल्पना Ex:  The concept had been advocated by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
Other : उद्भावना Ex:  Soviet military theorists introduced the concept of deep battle. उ:   इन्हीं के समन्वय से निरपेक्ष प्रत्यय की उद्भावना होती है। संप्रत्यय Ex:  Styx released the concept album Kilroy Was Here उ:   संप्रत्यय के अन्तर्गत एक साथ बहुत सी वस्तुएँ आतीं हैं। सिद्धान्त Ex:  Another energy-related concept is called the Lagrangian उ:   इसका सिद्धान्त बहुत सरल है।
Concept ki paribhasha : vah shakti jisamen koi baat man men dhaaran ki jaati hai vah jo kuchh man se socha jaay athava sochakar nishchit kiya jaay vah riti jisake dvaara chhndon ke bhed aur unaki snkhya jaani jaay
Concept synonyms
perception conception theory image thought approach notion view impression abstraction brainchild apprehension slant supposition twist conceit hypothesis consideration wrinkle conceptualization intellection big idea brain wave fool notion
Concept antonyms
reality concrete proof being
Usage of Concept in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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